The friends we visited a few weeks ago 'inherited' a neighborhood OUTSIDE only cat a 5 years ago. One day he just appeared along with a Puppy Friend.
They learned that both were owned by the daughter of a new neighbor.
All of a sudden the daughter moved leaving the cat. He decided he liked what he saw at our friends home. They discovered his name was Charlie aka Sir Charles.
They were finally able to catch him for a vet visit. He was neutered and vaccinated.
Charlie is now a vineyard cat he follows Gary around the vineyard supervising all activities and maybe catching a rodent or two along the way. The collages below are of Sir Charles and some of the flowers on their property.
The first one I took as the 3 guyz, Gary in front, Bryan and Charlie head down to the creek.
Charlie has some mighty cute moves trying to draw one into his purrsonal space; however, beware he has fangs and claws
Our friend's property was full of blooms
I was amazed by the Passion Flower, click
HERE if you'd like to know more about it
Here is closer look at lilies on the left of the above collage
Gary has recently become fascinated with Day lilies.
Left to Right Sunny Day, Lavender, the Purple Balloon Flower, before it opens it looks like a miniature balloon