Good morning my friends...first of all a brief explanation on my new title
"My Mind's Eye". It was originally my personal blog just about things I found interesting that were not cat related.
I guess you could say I'm blessed or cursed with a gift of sorts,
In "My Mind's Eye", all my photos 9 times out of 10 remind me of something.
You might recall seeing the fountain picture last is the
rest of the true story from ......My Mind's Eye.

Before I retired, I worked with a very lovely professional couple. Both had PhDs.
They tried for years to have a child finally in their mid (her) late (him) 40's they found out
their were expecting. They had a beautiful baby boy, we'll call
F, whom they adored and spoiled with love.
Both were the youngest of their siblings with little to no experience with children especially a two year old. One Friday afternoon, they told me they were going to take a day trip with their son to a Wilmington, a coastal town about 2 hours from us. They were so excited to both have the weekend free. Monday morning the Dad walks into my office. I asked how the trip went...(bare in mind now he is 50ish). He said fine, it was a tad chilly down there. We walked around the downtown area. He
casually said,
F loved the freedom of running and before we knew it...
F fell in the FOUNTAIN in the town PLAZA. I nearly spit out my coffee in horror. He looked at my horrified face like I had gone mad. I said I hope there was somewhere close by to change his clothes and dry his hair.
Again, he casually said no we did not have a change of clothes for him. We took the wet clothes off and put my jacket on him. So many many many things ran through
My Mind's Eye, mainly, who leaves home for any amount of time w/o a change of clothes for a toddler. Thankfully none of the things that
My Mind's Eye saw came out of my mouth. Being a parent, is a hands on job,
live and learn, which they did.
F turned out to be a very adorable, smart child and probably by now is a handsome and smart pre-teen.
(This picture is not the fountain
F feel in, it was much larger, but when I took it I remembered the story of
F's fountain fiasco.)
Reminder from Raz
Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 26 when we host a special Blog Hop for Madi Come Laugh With Us. Post anything you want to do with a Box...such as stand up comedy, a joke or pun,
Recite a poem...karaoke, just a picture with a box, etc...anything goes no rules except RED!
(The Blog Hop is set up HERE if you would like to pre-post)