My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday Stuff

Last week we found out that Caturday Art was on hiatus for a bit so we'll just start showing
randoms stuff on Saturday and bloopers and who knows what else.

This is one of the fun decorations they have at our favorite Saturday lunch spot
Seaboard Cafe

Fun decorative pots at Logan's Garden center

Water features at Logan's 
FYI: for all who are wondering YES I stuck my fingers in the water 
I'm a 10 year old at heart

Friday, August 18, 2017

Flowers, Fill ins Bad Poetry Day

Happy Flower Friday

All these photos were taken at Logans Garden Shop earlier
this week.

 Ohhh don't you just love this Golden Shrimp Plant?

Mom Ellen from 15and came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. MOM: If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to NC in the Spring or Fall summers are hot, hazy and humid.

2.MADI: My favorite room in my home is my dining room where my kibble bowl and food dish live

3. MADI: Back-to-school time makes me think that maybe I don't really know everything like I think I do!!

4. MOM:My favorite year of school was 1967 because I was a senior.  My class of 1967 was very close knit and we had lots of fun. September 29, 2017 I will be attending my 50th High School Reunion.

National Bad Poetry Day hosted by Ranger
 I've written some purrty bad poetry lately
This little ditty was written several years ago for Oz's Bad poetry day

Madi I am.
sometimes I'm a glam(orous) kitty
Madi I am,
sometimes I like to jam
 Madi I am,
but most times I just

Madi I am,
when mom gives me ham
I always say thank you

Sincerely Madison D Cat

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy has suggested one of these  J words:
juicy, jump, jungle, jealous

Jumpin' catfish the letter J is gonna be hard.
Mom says she might need some juicy lard
Dripped in her ears to wiggle and squirm 
through the jungle of words running amuck
in her head like a giant truck.
After listening to her moan and complain,
I reminded her that a cat I am.
I've been known to jump up, down and all around.

I give juicy kisses which I know she misses.
And she was jealous when off to the jungle I did fly 
for some monkey pie.

Jeepers this is just too creepy I think right here is a good
place to jump off this crazy J wagon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Rest of the Story

sub title:  Celebrating and loving life one adventure at a time.

Today we pick up where we left off...with Madi proclaiming she has been unjustly accused...
If you missed that proclamation please here.

During Madi's first year with us she climbed on anything that did not run from her.
Her favorite place was to jump from this chair to the mantel, walk across it to the top
of the secretary.  I was never able to get photos of the adventure...but I witnessed it many times.
It appears the cortisone shot and all the yummy sardines(she loves sardines), tuna and regular cat food Miss Piggy is eating she has found the fountain of kittenhood.
While I was cleaning up after supper Saturday evening 8/12/17, 
I saw this....what happened next was transpired in about 1 minute.
Thankfully my camera was handy

Mom Here:
Pictures speak volumes. I do apologize for the blurry photos.
Just before I started clicking I was washing an electric skillet.  I still had on my rubber gloves.

Note in above her back feet are farther back...she recalculates placement of feet for #2 
PURRFECT paw placement 

UP I go
I was not quick enough to catch the spring up

I would have made it to the top of the secretary but Dad caught me.  As you can see in the
above photo, that leap was another ~1' up.  The dang blue bird statute is about 8" high was in the way.
I needed to be about where it was to make my jump without deading the bird.
I coulda made it from here but the blue bird would have been history
Also in the past when I made it to the top of the secretary which is 8' high it was alleged I chewed on the finial and Dad had to get the step stool out.

Mom calls this my imitation of the Stepford Wives**
As the saying goes, it is not about the destination but about the journey
and FRIENDS the journey was fabulous!!!!

Saturday morning after finding the collectible seahorse nose down in the mantel we moved it to the
safety of the enclosed secretary on the right side of the mantel.
To avoid any midnight strolls Saturday night and things that go boom and bang we moved the chair  too

Madi spent Sunday morning sitting on the loveseat staring at the chair and the mantel.
I'm sure she is working on a Physics calculation for that jump.

**The Stepford Wives is a 1972 satirical thriller novel by Ira Levin. The story concerns Joanna Eberhart, a photographer and young mother who begins to suspect that the frighteningly submissive housewives in her new idyllic Connecticut neighborhood may be robots created by their husbands.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday Tale, French Mail , Blogville Event PSA

This is a close up of our mantel before the alleged crime 
The mantel is full of stuff and critters: birds, cats, fishes, and a collectible Seahorse..

Here is the rest of the story:
Last Thursday night at bedtime I was resting my senior diva tush here.
I have been falsely accused, I need a lawyer and possible bail money...
This is surely the face of pure snow white innocence. 

The next day Dad bellowed to mom...look how I found the seahorse this morning!
Can you believe my Dad who supposedly loves me unconditionally, 
threw me under the Mom bus.
He said, Madi has been on the mantel...

I gave Dad my best diva glare while defending myself.
I told him it was my humble opinion the seahorse was out 
gallivanting and prancing around with the mares,  probably at Ruby's Margarita Bar
where he drank too many of  the fancy umbrella drinks. 
Staggered home so tipsy he tipped over.

Full disclosure I must tell you...
In my youth, I was known to take evening strolls across the mantel. 
I would jump on the back of the chair and away I went.  
No way would a dignified senior Diva do that now. 

My friends at at Trout Talkin Tabbies will agree with me when I say one of the 
crazy birds, since there are several on the mantel, did it!

I need your help...please tell me in the comments what you think happened?!


OMCs I got mail yesterday from Da Phenny and
Staff.  They sent me the best French get well wishes.
I wash busy chowing down on FF Savory Salmon topped
with White Albacore no time to smile for the flashy beast but my tail was wagging.
Mom says it makes her heart soar to great heights to see 
me enjoying my food. OH and note my black dish is for my kibble and that too is
 G O N E!!
Thank you Da Phenny I have never had a photo over my food station!!

Did you hear Mayor Arty and his huggy puggy Mabel
are hosting a grand event...

Click here for details

Mom here:
Stay tuned for Breaking News tomorrow...I have documented proof...good thing we moved the collectibles off the mantel.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Thank you Eastside Cats

Given by Eastside Cats
and we thank them for the nomination of  Blogger Recognition Award it is an 
honor to receive it from them....

There are rules:

-Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
-Write a post to show your award.
-Give a brief story of how your blog started.

I wrote this poem for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday but it details how we came to be

imagine when I was six I thought my life could get no better. 
I was queen of the house which is all that matter.
Mom had a friend who told her she was a blogger
to which mom replied a W H A Ter?
She gave mom her addy, into the WWW she did roam.
She wondered if here we could find a home.  
She looked and she read and she ponder each blog. 
She even became a stalker of one or two
She said Madi ...this I think we can do
After a few icky attempts, with all the kinks ironed out
Just a few months after I was seven
late in the evening she pressed publish.
Live we went on the WWW and hoped what we said was not rubbish.
Mom declared for all to hear I am an idiot 
I should have tried this eons ago!
We never looked back new friends we found.
Here we are eight years later, two senior ladies full of chatter
and mad as hatters.

Our two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
1. Have fun....laugh at yourself and write from your heart without hesitation
2. Join in activities/events other bloggers are having.  It will help you step out of your comfort zone
you never believe all the friends you will make and things you will learn.

Our very first blog post was on June 14.   I did not have any digital photos of Madi, nor did I know how to download them. Thirteen days later I was
a picture snapping fool

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sun Bathing beauty.....

Mom....please rub a little SPF 30 on my pink nose....and adjust 
the bike seat...I'll need a little exercise after the sun moves....
Thanks Madi

We see that several have rec'd this award recently. It is so lovely if you have not
please feel free to copy and paste the award and the rules.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Easy Sunday and Plates

Our first plate is for our friend Yam Aunty...who rec'd a nick name
at last years B.A.R. 2016
YaYa it was really on a plate

2. BK2YOUTH, Back to Youth it was on a Camero
My friends Hailey, Phod and their Lady sent this one
Oh Lady's nickname at the B.A.R 2016 was K10
3. BDSEED, Bird Seed
4. LBPOTTER, a name we suspect
5. GATORRN,  A University of Florida fan who is a nurse
7. HCI-1 no clue
8. AVETTBRO, Fans of the Rock music group
9. $SENSE, Money Sense
10. PADL, Paddle
11. SKL&XBNDS, Skull or Skill extra bands?!
12. ULTRAGEEK, Ultra Geek

NOTE: #'s 11 and 12 have 9 characters, in the past only 8 were allowed
13. L2YL.NET, No Clue
14. EYEOFTGR,Eye of tiger
15. VRMTGIRL, Vermont Girl living in NC
why would you want that on your license plate? 
17. LUVFIXIT, Love to fix it or perhaps love fixes it
18. ISK8&FLY, I Skate and Fly
19. NANPOPS, Grandparents
20. ALLHAUL, All Haul on a Ford Excursion

Ok that is it for today