SOOTC (straight out of the camera)
Thank you all for your kind comments on my new header.
As soon as I saw their display, I knew it would be a great header.
Here is the original
Just a few random SOOTC at Logan's
2. P R S A, no clue
4. CUPPATEA this is for YAM Aunty aka YaYa
5. DEL**/S, I'm sure this is coding language
6. USMBA22, no cule
7. XIV, 14?
8. HEARDOC, Audiologist
9. MYLAST?, maybe last car who knows
10. VIVER!
11. Z-TO-A, lol instead of A-TO-Z
14. USAFNAV, U.S. Air Force Naviagtor
15. SOUNER, University of Oklahoma Sooner fan
16. LINZBENZ, lady driving it so I'm thinking Lynn's Mercedes Benz
17. FINZ2RT, Fins to the Right
Ok this is my favorite. If you are a Jimmy Buffet fan, aka Parrot Head, you know exactly what it means. He started his career in Key West, Florida there is an entire Culture associated with him here.
He has a song, Fins, on one of his albums copy and paste link below to see it.
It also has hand signs and is 100% audience participation.