My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Beer Army Burger Company

Opened in 2007 by Dustin Canestorp, founder and General of the Beer Army Burger
in memory of  friend and fellow Marine.

Click below to read all about the most Patriotic place I have ever eaten
the burgers were delicious too!!

 Dog Tags hanging from the ceiling in 
 Flags everywhere even in the ceiling.  They look as if there is
wind puffing them
 Navy blue carpeted stairs with Stars

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

After weeks of relentless triple digit heat index and nearly 3 weeks of no rain followed by
torrential rains our few plants appeared to die then they made a come back.
All of the petunias were pitiful.  This  group got a new lease on life.

I'm joining the LLB Gang for Nature Friday
You can join to by clicking here

Oh to have a cure for insomnia!!

Angel Madi had several PhDs in the Science of Sleeping!!
this photo was taken on August 17, 2017

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and Happy 21st Anniversary

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is our photo challenge

All aboard
by Cecilia
When the conductor opened the door,
He saw faces galore
To himself he said....
somebody is gonna be sitting on the

This is a 21st wedding anniversary (August 15th) present for
my favorite daughter and favorite SIL.

  I ordered a package of 42-10" pre-cut squares from Missouri Star Quilting company
the fabric pattern is Autumn Harvest
I gave the lovely sqs. a boost with fabric I purchased for the orange dividers between rows and pumpkin fabric for the back.
The pale green triangles are called Prairie Points.

 I use a simple straight stitch with gold thread to accent stems on the leaves
and a leaf pattern stitch on the borders.

I have enough sqs. for several more projects too.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Words With Friends Wednesday w/ Kat and Kit

PSA:  No humans were harmed in the staging of this post!!

Dearest Aunty HiC
I hope you’re having a good day. Mom and I are relaxing, playing Words with Friends with YOU. 😻
Just wanted you to know I got a little jealous, needed some attention, and started nibbling on Mom’s finger. I’ll let her continue playing soon. 😹

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Pic#1:  Mom what'cha doing
Kat I'm playing WWF with Aunty HiC
Pic#2:  Mom would you like me to sharpen you WWF playing finger
Mom have you had your finger in my treat bag? Let me lick your WWF finger clean
Pic#3 and #4 : Yummers Mom move your WWF finger to the front

Dearest Nephew Kat!!!
Your Mom and I have been BFF/WWF furever.
OMCs   Kat....I am giggling and now that my chores are done I must get back on WWF
and I will have such sweet images of you and your mom's sweet fingers.!!!
Jumpin' catfish KAT what does your Mom have on her fingers that is so tasty.

Lovingly your Aunty HiC

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Happy Tuesday Tale

My new obsession, quilting, requires that I partake in one of 
my least favorite chores.....
I R O N I N G.  😛😜
After a few quilts, I realized it was 
way past time to replace 
Irma B. Decker, who was probably at least as old as 
Sassy Singer 25+years.   My husband,
wore a white long sleeve dress shirt, tie and suit to work 5 days all year for about 
29 years. I took them to be professionally washed and starched
for about 6 months.  After weeks and weeks of starching,
they were too stiff to even button.
So I started washing and ironing them.
The last 4 years of his career his employer
relaxed the dress code, slacks with a buttoned collared short shirt or golf shirt (no Tee Shirts).

Last week I grabbed a fist full of Bed Bath and Beyond coupons
and off I went to shop for a new Quilting Companion.

Introducing Irene B. Decker on the left
and her great Aunty Irma B. Decker on the right
Great Aunty Irma still works so she will be donated along with 
a few other household items.
 Irene has a retractable tail...which thrills me to no end.
As you will see below, Irene has more steam holes, a smart steam dial,
auto clean and a wider heel rest (thanks to her retractable cord).
AND Irene is a light weight in spite of her lanky look.

I'm pretty sure Irene and I will have a long lasting friendship...
hopefully she will be as dependable as her Great Aunty Irma.
Irene has been very busy since she arrived.
Starting this week you will be seeing several completed projects and there will be more to come.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Awww Monday Mews from the Nephews

Hosted by Comedy Plus

Dearest Auny HiC
As you know, Dad was out of town this past weekend.  It was very quiet, and a little sad here on The Hill
It was too hot for outside time, so I begged Mom to play  inside.  I can tell it made her feel lots better. 😻
Somehow, Mom found me every time I hid. 😹
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

We played hide and seek,

Dearest Nephew Kat
As for hide and seek, YOU know the rule of paw is....if you can't see your opponent....he/she cannot see you.  So you nailed that game too, even though your Mom was a teacher. When I was in school all the teachers have eyes in the back of their head. They saw EVERYTHING
BUT it sure does look like you might have succeeded 

 and Kickball is my favorite! 

Dearest Nephew Kat!!
OMCs I purrsonally think you were a soccer star in anudder life?
Look at you or maybe a running back for da 'Bama Tide!!?

Pup and I aren’t letting Mom out of our sight. 😻

Dearest Nephews I love how you are keeping close to Mom and NOT taking your eyeballs off her either.  
Loving your Aunty HiC

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Steeple Sunday: Centenary United Methodist Church

New Bern, NC

Architectural styleNeoclassical architecture
Centenary Methodist Church is a historic Methodist church located at New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. It was built in 1904-1905, and is an irregularly shaped, brick multiple-use church complex. The front facade includes an entrance five-bay arcade beneath a low conical ... Architect, Simpson, Herbert Woodley; Stephens & Cardelli.

This  church had so many different roof lines 
I've never seen a church with this type of architecture

Huge stain glass windows that I would have loved to see from inside
stain glass windows were all around it.

 It looks like a castle from every angle