Happy Monday,
Madi was tagged by
Dory to play the Photo Meme Game.
The rules are:
1. Open the first photo folder
2. Scroll down to the 10th photo
3. post the 10th photo and tell the story about it:
Oh how funny this is our 10th photo. It is was in the most recent set of pictures taken last weekend. For the last few weeks, Mom has been admiring the very cute Border's Easter Bunny.
It was 12.95. She said she felt a little silly paying that much for a stuffed bunny...I said duh...
especially when you have a Madi at home. Anyway, she said it was so soft and so cute and reminder her of me. Then she noticed a sign that read you can buy the bunny for 6.95 with a $10.00 purchase...bingo she buys it and now I'm supposed to like it. She even gave it a name...yep she is a loony tune sometimes...
So ta da ....drum roll....let me introduce you to "Spring" the Easter bunny.
Spring's 'home' is on the bed in the guest room. Everytime Mom walks in the room in the dark she thinks it is me. HA Now the joke is on her. She never knows who is really on the bed.
Thanks Dory this was fun!!!
4. We are supposed to tag 5 friends...but you know Mom she never does what she is supposed to do. She said it was so much fun going to the 1 folder and being surprised at the 10th photothat she was going to invite everyone to do this. After all, sometimes we bloggers are all short of a post or need something interesting to post about. This is a freebie...just find the picture, post and write about it.
Today March 15 is Napping Day
Madi is a world class napper and is not reallyall that peculiar where she sleeps as long as the
flashy monster doesn't bother her.Below are some best of napping pictures of
my sweet baby girl.
Tip top napping spot

I can see you

Napping in front of the recumbent bike....
Mom's exercise regiment wears me out

This exact corner of the loveseat is her favorite spot.She rarely naps in the other corner. If either her Dad or I am in this corner, she will pace in front of the love seat
meowing the entire time and with each step the meoooooooowwww is louder.

According to her Dad she spends most week days napping on this bed which is upstairs away from the daily hustle and bustle. In several of her pictures, you'll see she has one eye slightly open just to be sure I don't try something funny....

Sweet Dreams Baby Girl.