My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Symmetry at The Depot

Thursday night after 2 trail treks we had supper at THE DEPOT!
They are well known for their 1/2 rack of BBQ'd pork ribs.
Bryan thoroughly enjoyed them.

We drove  thru the covered the parking lot.

The grounds and inside in full Fall decor

Friday, September 13, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday Part 2 of Day 2

Nature and Feline Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

We had  picnic lunch and a walk around the trail.

Walked down to the kayak and canoe area
It was a gorgeous day

Mother Nature put on quite a show with her puffy clouds

This is without a doubt my favorite photo of the day.
All photos taken with my iPhone.  

Before we leave each year, we take a group photo.

Happy Feline Friday on the 13th

This mostly black kitty was seen on an EMW in my 'hood.
All paws were white and he had a white bib

My Cali, my calico niece, thanks you for all your good wishes yesterday

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #181

Thankful Thursday hosted by 

Dearest Auntie HiC

I went to vet for my last post-spay appointment. Dr. Renee said I look great, and I’m free to mingle. 😻
The boys and I are getting along a lot better, especially when they’re asleep!!! 😹

Here I am telling Mom all about my visit!

💕 Cali Girl

Dearest Niece Cali...OMCs Auntie is so happy to have an update on your surgicals and how well you recovered....
Now sweet darlin' Auntie is prejudiced but OMCs
you are absolutely G O R G E O U S.  Your calico markings are 
just breathtaking.  I loved seeing you with your brudders.
Lovingly you devoted auntie


Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today  

This photo reminded me of a saying my Mama used weekly. 

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,

when first we practice to deceive.

The title of this article comes from a poem by Sir Walter Scott written in 1808. The full phrase is “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. It means that when you act dishonestly you are initiating problems, and a domino structure of complications, which will eventually run out of control.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wordless Wednesday and in Memory of 9/11


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus     

Waterfall we saw on vacation

Volume up to hear

If you completed the trail, you got a mug shot.


In memory of the lives lost on September 11th
we'll never forget.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Happy Trail Tuesday with K9's Part 1 of Day 2

On Thursday September 5 we took a trek beautiful property belonging Sally and Gary's friend.
She has 2 adorable dogs...that wanted to trek with us so their Mom let them lead the way on a 1/2 mile very natural nature trail.  The pictures below are of the dogs giving us
the Trail Rules...

Tomorrow I will post photos of a waterfall along the trail.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Awww Monday...Day one our mini vacation.

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Day One September 4, 2024

Our friends live about 2 1/2 hours west of Raleigh

We arrived at 11:30 am....this is the view from their sunroom

looking toward their pick your own Muscadine vineyard.

Sally had this lovely welcome tray in our room ...and oh did we feel the love

One year we visited closer to Halloween...
Skeleton hands sticking out of the bags of trick-R-treat.

After we stretched our legs and stowed out luggage,
we had a another treat in store, 
The owners are good friends of Sally and Gary's

Sally and I had the famous Sander's Ridge Chicken salad sandwiches on Croissant rolls
Gary and Bryan and Ham and cheese on Croissant.  Tummies were satisfied.  These grapes are closest to winery. I asked Gary if they were close to being ready for harvest.  He said yes BUT THEY are not eating grapes. They are used to make very dry wine, kinda sour and would turn my mouth inside out.
They made for a beautiful photo though.

Saturday I posted where we went on our mini break.  If you missed that post, here it is.

We are back from our annual trek to the lovely NC Mountains to
visit our friends Sally And Gary.  There was lots of talking (I might need a vocal cord transplant), eating,  trekking on a 2 new out of doors trails and there was some wine tasting too.  We 4 made over 7,000 steps on Thursday 9/5.
FYI TEASE: One of our treks was on one of the many trails (with a waterfall) that belongs to a good friend of Sally and Gary. It was gorgeous and our guides were their friend and her dogs.  I might have had a wee episode of puppy love with both of them. 
Pictures later.