My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 16, 2019

From my front porch

This tree is in our neighbor's front yard.
The tall pines and blue sky frame it nicely
Gracie the Highlander basking in technicolor

Then I just had to play with it in LunaPic
I'm really enjoying Black and White 

Then we had a very heavy frost
Gracie was icy
as was the bed of Ajuga


No frost on the pumpkins


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Friday, November 15, 2019

Nature Friday: NC State Fair

First as promised on Wednesday..
my Nephew Pup would like to share.....

The COOLEST thing happened as the sun was setting.
Volume up, please...We call it Coyotes at Sunset

Pup your ears were working overtime translating the sound mail from your distant relatives.
Uncle and I enjoyed the video and we are just 
so very proud and happy and delighted that you and your
family are able to take this trip and share with us.

Today I have the last of my NC State Fair photos

No words needed for these amazing mum displays
I think you can make arrangements to buy them when the fair is over.

Different groups set up their own gardens for judging
here are a few

 October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Here is a sea of Purple Hearts, which have a pinkish purple flower

Garden Railroad 
 Beautiful cinnamon color bark of a Crepe Myrtle

This was the last area we visited...a covered outdoor  meeting venue with a
spectacular stack stone fireplace

Now to quote the famous lines from the musical State Fair:
Written by Rogers and Hammerstein
Our State Fair is a great State Fair, don't miss it, don't even be late!!

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Today's inspiration

Hockey Sticks

This is getting old
He has been told
put my paper in the special box!!
"don't throw my paper in to the snow"
Now it is time to scold.
It makes me say HBO words such as 
He-double hockey-sticks
by the time I finish my coffee will be COLD.

Poet's note:  I took a little creative liberty here.
Obviously anyone shoveling snow in their bathrobe
is angry about something.  I decided it was his missing newspaper. 
He went out to get the paper which was buried in snow!! 
We have issues with our paper delivery too. 


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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Just a few words from Kat

My nephew, Kat,
would like to share some breathtaking moments with you.
They are in Nevada

I think we took a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up on the moon. 😹Mom says we’re at Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada.

The lake is at approximately 40% of full capacity, due to drought and increased water demands, but it’s  still a beautiful site to behold.

We had a gorgeous sunset,

then a full moon.

OMCs/OMDs Kat and Pup these are the most amazing photos.  I had no idea about the breathtaking Nevada state Parks.  WE have been to Hoover Dam and around but saw noting like this.

Lovingly your Aunty Hic 

On Nature Friday Pup is going to share a most AMAZING video he and
our peeps made....STAY TUNED

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 First, email us the following information:
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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy Tuesday from Kat and Pup

Last weekend Kat, Pup and Staff left New Mexico 
for State #8

Dearest Aunty HiC

We’re at Homolovi State Park, in the AZ desert
Mom says the desert sunsets never disappoint. 

I must be in heaven it looks like a giant sandbox to me! Me-Wow!!!😹

Pup keeps a watchful eye out for gray foxes, badgers, prairie dogs, bobcats,  jackrabbits, rattlesnakes, and huge lizards. Oh my!

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew and Pup your K9 Nephew

Dearest Nephew Kat you are indeedy in litter box heaven and you don't even have to dig, you have a watch dog and OMCs that sunset can be seen from every angle of that giant litter box.  
It is for sure a is  1 million view... 
I send your staff and my two nephews tons of hugs 
Lovingly your Aunty HiC


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Monday, November 11, 2019

Veteran's Day, Awww Monday and Sparks

Here is today's Awww Monday
KAT is going to be guest blogger today
from his front row seat in New Mexico
Where he continues to see amazing new things!!
Take it away Kat 

Guess What Aunty
Yep, we’re still in New Mexico, ha!
the picture Kat sent me is not showing up so here is a recycled one
so you get a sweet imagine of my nephew in your mind's eye.

Guess what I saw today?
Can you see it? You might have to zoom in...
It’s a black-tailed prairie dog!

I said, “Meow-dy”, but I don’t think he understood. 😹
Anyway, it was great entertainment for this Georgia Kitty! 
Bundle up! I hear it’s going to get cold again back East. 

According to an article Mom read:
You know Mom was a teacher before she became mine and Pup's Mom.  She grabs
every moment as a teaching/learning experience.
Here is a tidbit of 
P'doggie info for the readers.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Prairie dogs have the most complex language of any animal ever studied.  They have over 200 words and can form sentences. Bark, snitch, yap, chirp, yip, chatter, yelp, twitter, chip, squeak, chirrup and woo hoo are all prairie dog sounds that humans can identify.  

Here is today's Sparks Quote

Dearest Nephew 
Your cousin, aka favorite sissy of Angel Madi, feel in love the the Prairie Dogs and Bison while she was way out west in September.  She was contemplating a way to get the little Prairie Dogs in her carry on!! MOL MOL  I don't think my grandcats, Frisco or Mia would have been amused. 

I had no idea about the Prairie Speak being so complex.
Please thank Mom for teaching all of us something new and 
exciting today.
Loving your Aunty HiC

Road Update: Last Thursday Kat and his merry band of
travelers moved to Arizona

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Miscellaneous Fair photos and Plates

This is the door to the Exhibit Hall where all the quilts and crafts were on display.
I love the window above the door looking out on the children's Ferris wheel

This huge tree is in front of the children's rides.

* means I could not figure out the meaning

I thank 
 Katie Isabella's Mom  for #1.  She spotted this plate in East Tennessee
1. SHELPN, Schleping
2. ILUVPROD, I love produce
3. FNSIZE, *
4. Ms Val, A name
5. DA Byrd
6. SMOKIVOL Volunteer Firefighter
7. JEEPGUY, Yep it was on a Jeep
8.L!PBOSS, Lip Boss???  ! replaced the i in lip
9. MAGNOME, Magnum?
10. MV YOU!, Move you
11. LUVUSLICK, Love you slick
12. 6-26x2, Maybe something to do with a marathon
13. MAGIKUL, Magical
14. IBCNU, I be seeing you
16. BA-B-DOLL, Baby Doll
17. TIRE-PRO, Maybe sales tires
18. CME4KAY, Mary Kay Cosmetic Representative
19. S#MOO, State hashtag Moo, possibly an Agriculture Science Major
NC State University plate
20. MOUSEYOUT, Mousey Out?
21. LUPOLAO, *
22. ILUV, I love...but wonder who
23. RDYENG, Ready Engine
26. BOOMA819,*
27. 4-TIP, *
28. LAMOVER, it was on a Land Rover
30. GRAMMYROX, Grammy who is very hip I guess
34. SRFandSAND, Surf and Sand