My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday Art Symmetry

Shelley Lake Art Center Guard Wolf
Many of the cities around the USA had/have animal statues around town
Raleigh has Wolves.  
N.C. State University is in Raleigh and our mascot is a 
Wolf we care called the Wolf Pack.

Then I played with it in LunaPic



Water this effect brings at the dried berries the left


Friday, November 25, 2022

Final Fiction, Feline and Nature Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

Our Hostess with the mostest

 Wild YAM sent us a new and very pretty badge for FFF
click here to visit Wild YAM

Today's photo prompt is 

We might have Ghosts

The only overnight guests we have are our daughter and son in law.
Who live on the NC Coast which is 3 hours way.
All our family lives with 20 miles of us.  So when I discovered a bottle of White Rain Body Wash in the guest shower, I assumed it was theirs.
When they arrived for their visit last weekend, I asked if they wanted a bar of soap for the shower or would the by using the White Rain Body Wash they left after the last visit.  Sis and BIL of Angel Madi, said almost at the same time, "we don't use body wash, it doesn't lather good." I replied,  we don't either.
I can only use Dove for Sensitive skin and Daddy uses Dial or Irish Spring bar soap
I was confused, but said it was left here.  She said maybe it was by other visitors.  I reminded her they are our only visitors.  NO ONE CLAIMED THE BODY WASH NOR DO WE KNOW HOW IT GOT IN THE SHOWER.  I said, I guess we must have had a GHOST ðŸ‘»visitor.   No matter I threw it away.  So fast forward to the day after the went home.  I found a pink terry cloth on the side of the bath tub.
I sent her a texted with a photo of the pink terry cloth and asked is this yours or does it belong to the  white rain body wash👻?  
She replied:  Definitely mine, not the white rain body wash👻.  It is one of my makeup remover cloths, set it aside.  If I don't get it back, no biggy.
The mystery of the pink terry cloth solved. There is still the mystery of the how the White Rain Body Wash came to live here?

Below is a tribute to our ðŸ‘»

Good or bad
Happy or sad
Oh you are free to stay
Secret visitor
Towels are in the linen closet
Should you shower use the soap!!

Feline Friday with my Grandkitties 
Mia da Tortie and Frisco da Ginger

Gaggle of Geese at Wooten Meadow Park
my new flat trekking trail.

I hope one day to see a heron.  
This next photo reminds me of a water color

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #94

hosted by the four felines at Brian's Home

  Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

at Two Spoiled Cats

Thank you to Angel Sammy for finding the best photos that always inspire us.

Today's photo prompt is 

What the heck,
No I won't smile.
I have to concentrate on my balance
So I don't face plant on the smoke stack
I will break my neck.

In case I don't comment many of the blogs are requiring
me to prove I am not SPAM by typing in crazy letters...which I do
but then it gives me another set of crazy letters.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Happy (birthday)Tuesday

Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Happy colorful friends who live in Logan's whirly gig garden.


Monday, November 21, 2022

Awww Monday, Sparks and Reminder

 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus 

Photos taken at Logan's 

Friday November 25 is Final Fiction Friday

click here for the Rules

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Serene Sunday

Another point and snap on and EMW...