My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The party in Mom's head

Recently the Mom-a-razzi caught me napping so she started snapping.
When she downloaded the below photos,
the lyrics from Girl from Ipanema starting having a party in her head.
She took Artistic license to 
rewrite them in RED, original in small black print.

Long and lean with lovely furs of gray and white,
the kitty from Ipanema snoozes!
With each puff of kitty breath, each one who sees her goes Ahhhhh
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes, each one she passes goes
When she wakes she sees the mom a razzi
she sighs a wee  cool kitty breath 
her head sways gently as she nods off
those who pass her go Ahhhhhhh
When she walks, she's like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle that
When she passes, each one she passes goes

 I watch her gladly
I return her blinkie blinkie I love yous!
She has my heart, I gave it gladly!
Each day, when she looks at me I see her beauty, 
she looks straight ahead, not a me!

But I watch her so sadly
How can I tell her, "I love you?"
Yes, I would give my heart gladly
But each day, when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at me
Long and lean with lovely furs of gray and white,
the kitty from Ipanema snoozes
When I pass, I smile but she doesn't see, no she doesn't see she is in dreamland and not with me!

Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes, I smile but she doesn't see, doesn't see

Friday, April 6, 2018

Flower Friday with Rosy

Ohhhh look at all your smiling faces...just because it is

My Bunny Spring and I would like to show you what's blooming outside our window.

Recently my Uncle (dad's brudder) G send mom this picture.

Before we show it to you, let me just say
Uncle G is a Violet Whisperer. He has at least 87 violet plants
and he has the purrfect room for them to thrive.
Mom told him he had a VIOLET Thumb!

He told mom
 This plant started from a single leaf 18 months ago,

Red bud just as it started blooming,
There will be more later in full bloom.  
This is the first year the red bud and dogwoods have bloomed at the same time.

close up of red bud

close up of the heart shaped red bud leaves that are just starting to open

Our 2 native Dogwood trees are in full bloom photo taken 4/5/18

Japanese Red Maple in all her radiant red spring frock

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Train Brain:  Ode to Dad
By Madi and Mom
Trains of all sizes, shapes and colors are Dad's thing.
His hobby though is small trains.
Tools of his trade can be found 
here and there and all around.
What they do ....  I have no clue.
But that is ok 'cause Dad DO.
He works magic
You see he is an O scale model train man with a plan.
The pieces are so tiny he needs a 
high power lamp, itty bitty screw drivers 
and lots of clamps

Once I even saw him with a saw.

He orders brass shells,
carefully adds details 
he solders on parts and pieces
making them exact replicas 
of big trains.

I must confess his train room can be a mess
We don't touch any piles because it might cause him stress.
 I know MY DAD IS A GENIUS at this because mom calls him
a Train Brain. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Just so you know!!!!!

I might be an 'only' but I'm never LONELY
I'm always surrounded by friends

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Memorial Day at Blogville Park

Save the Date and find a date and whatever you do, DON'T be LATE

It is with pleasure,  I announce the official name Princess Leah and I will use for our band

 Diva Slippers & the wizards

Below please find, what we hope, is a complete list of all band, chorus and various and sundry
volunteers who make up
the wizards

YAM-Aunty  has serious skills with the Recorder
Jessie the Boxer can play drums with her paws and her tail, what a talent!
Lucy  wants to be a Greeter, From Angel Lexi's blog
Xena vocals and Accordion, from Angel Lexi's Blog
Ruby the AireDale wants to shout her Zen's over the air waves...
and dance but I think she'll need a few Margaritas
Bear Cat wants to be our roadie
Rosy SassyPants wants to do anything..she is up for the challenge
Lightning, Misty and Timber will add their Wooful sound to the chorus
Ms. Oswin  says she is especially good a howling (for her din din)
Lone Star Cats back up vocals
Jake(Mad Snapper) body guard aka bouncer,
Katie Isabella Purrsonal Assistant to Madi and Leah
Raz purrsonal body guard to Madi
Millie(Bird Brains and Dog Tails) back up vocals
Angel(Eastside Cats)  back up vocals
Chester, the reporter from The Daily Bone, requested a spot in the howling section
Bentley and Pierre Guitar
Arty and Jakey back up vocals
Rosy a Sassy guitar
Island Cats a groupies

There is still time to claim you position in the wizards
We are open to males and females of all species

NOW click here to be magically transported to Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants for details

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday Sparks to make you smile.

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

A cat can make her body long enough to reach just about any counter top that has anything remotely interesting on it.

The Little Big Book of Cats
The Science of Cats:
Law of cat Elongation