My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr. Seuss Day Blog Hop

Hosted by
Molly and Chimera and Jakey 

First of all I'd like to purrsonally thank Dr. Seuss from the bottom of my heart..
Boys and girls my daughter loved Dr. Seuss and he save a many a day from ruin.

When Big M (that is what her daddy called her) was about 5, we decided to
drive from NC to Disney WORLD.  (we were young and stupid).
#1 we should have flown
#2 we should not have told Big M where we were going until we were THERE.
I had all kinds of entertainment and snacks in the car but she was so excited she could hardly focus.  Every few miles she would ask, 'are we there yet'.  Every time she saw a huge, green and white signs,  "Welcome to ...."  whatever state we were entering.  With each sign she spelled out the letters and asked is this door to Florida? Her favorite Dr. Seuss books were Hop on Pop and Green Eggs and Ham.  I'm pretty sure we read each of them 87,000 times.  We were getting silly and had started making up lines extra lines. Dr. Seuss was my hero
Finally after much silence from the front seat I hear,
"Big M, here is the Door to Florida".

Angel Madi absolutely loved Dr. Seuss Day.  Below are two of my favorite posts

March 2018

My name is Madi
but I am not catty!
When my din din is not ready,
sometimes I get 'maddie'
I never wear booties
but sometime I wear hatties!
We have reached the end of this

Dr. Seuss thanks for all the gazillion hours your work has delighted, taught and nurtured children.

Here is another ditty in honor of Dr. Seuss' day.

Socks on the floor for me to explore
Socks  in a drawer from the store,
Socks  in my nose 
that should be on her toes
Socks here and there.
A hoarder she is furever more!!!!

Respectfully submitted 
by Madi and Mom just two Senior
ladies who are never bored.

March 2015
Dr. Seuss always said be funny, be silly make yourself willy nilly
turn yourself upside down....
Today I'm living out a fantasy...I'm Madi-lyn Mad-roe

This is a quote by the Marilyn Monroe, that  I think applies to an almost 15 year old feline diva!! Words to live by for sure!

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Nature Friday and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Photo taken by my friend Kathy 2/16/19
It was 44° out, but 20+mph winds made it feel like I'm the 30's! However there was a gorgeous rainbow over Table Rock, Bandon, Oregon!

We have a mystery from Mother Nature...
We've had a Periwinkle bed by our sidewalk for many years.  They all have lovely plain  violet  blooms with a white throat.   Shown on the bottom left of the collage.  We have not planted any new ones.  Lo and behold this week we saw two with white spots on their leaves and we LIKE THEM.
 Thank you Mother Nature.

Feline Friday

Hosted by Comedy Plus

I, Kat, have missed you all terribly.  I was busy nursing
HU-Mum...because she swallowed a stone....


She is all better now and I'm very spite of some recent developments

In fact I sent Aunty HiC the below email

How are you? 
I was napping on the sofa table today, and Hu-mum made me move so she could dust! Can you imagine?!? 
🙀 I retreated to the bedroom, and I’m still pouting.
❤️ Kat Your (not-so-happy) Feline Nephew

Aunty replied:

Dearest Nephew, I am appawed by this news!! I think Hu-Mum is feeling rather frisky now!
I hope you left a trail of furs as you retreated.
Your Loving Aunty HiC

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial inspiration

Top Tip

From the top of her Bouffant beehive
To her cable knit and stylish scarf
she is a work of art.
She wears all with such nonchalant-ness.
She will say no to intermission all she needs is at
manicured finger tips.
She is on a mission.
B-i-n-g-o is name of the game
It is this dame's claim to fame!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Secret Lives of Letters W and X

November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

MyMe: #2 of 3 Jackson

Angel Madi was adopted in the Spring of 2002.
Everyone knew about Madi and her adventures.  

Jackson the retriever

Today I have another MYME from my days at N. C. State University.
Fast forward about two fun filled years to the arrival of a new set of
graduate students in Physics.  Today I'd like to tell you about 
Jackson a tabby. Jackson's dad, we'll call him M, arrived at NCSU from Bradley U in Illinois.  He came with just his belongings no significant other or a pet. M was full energy and very willing to learn and experience new things in the South. He was especially excited to see  NASCAR racing in North Carolina. M always enjoyed hearing about Madi and her capers; however, never seemed to be inclined to have pets.  Fast forward a few months into the fall, 2004.
M was very exciting to be going to his first NASCAR one weekend.  I told him  to be sure to
let me know all about it.  The weather for the afternoon Race was supposed to be cloudy and cold.
M said this might be my only opportunity for some time so I'm going anyway.   Monday morning he shows up at my office.  I was expecting to hear about  the race, which he enjoyed, but that was not the highlight of the day.  He said, 'you will never believe what happened on Saturday'.
He was heading back to Raleigh on a very wet and cold night.  The roads were unfamiliar so he was taking it slow.  His headlights caught some movement on the shoulder of the road.
M pulled over to see what was there.  Lo and behold it was a very tiny kitty, wet and cold
and probably not long before he passed from exposure or a vehicle.
M quickly picked up the kitty, stuck it in his coat to get it warm. Back on the road to
Raleigh, M heard purring and felt gentle paws on his chest.  Kitty was happy.
M had never owned a kitty or been around kitties.  Once he got to Raleigh he stopped by the store to get some supplies for Kitty.  When he arrived at my door Monday morning, Kitty already had M wrapped around his itty bitty kitty paws. M told me he and kitty had a vet appointment that afternoon for a check up and first kitty shots.  HIS PLAN was to keep it.  Kitty was indeed a healthy male kitty.
Needless to say M's trip to NASCAR on that cold day was meant to be.
M tossed around a few names for several days settling on Jackson.   A feline roommate was purrfect for M.  He was at NCSU long hours. M and Jackson developed a routine that worked for both.
M's apartment had a lovely window for Jackson's cat perch.
Jackson grew into a beautiful Tabby and quite talented too.  In no time M taught Jackson to play with wads of paper.  M would throw it and Jackson would bring it back to him.
Anytime M went home or to academic meetings I was Jackson's nanny.
Each time I walked in the apartment Jackson, would drop a wad of paper at my feet.
Jackson could play fetch for hours and hours.
M and Jackson were a team of two for several years.  Then M met his lady love and her
Dachshund Oscar.  The four of them got along beautifully.  Jackson and Oscar were inseparable.
M and his lady married in NC then all moved to Oregon.  Now they have three very active sons.
I receive a Christmas card photo each year.

Next week I'll tell you #3 of 3 Nala and Simba the EMS cats

You can read last week's MYME by clicking on: Tigger the Ham Slayer.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sparks Monday and Awww Monday

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

I saw this on a greeting the Toyota Dealership.
I didn't buy the card 'cause I remembered this photo in 
Pizap would be perfect.

Today I am pawticipating in
adorable Awww
Click on Comedy Plus here to see other Awwws

Yesterday afternoon sun came out FINALLY after 8 days
It was glorious to see.

My Nephew Kat  sent me a picture of the sun on his mountain.
Top right photos

Aunty HiC
Do you see what I see?!? 
The 🌞 is shining! Hu-Mum tried to take me for a walkie, but the wind is howling, and it scared me. I’m in my favorite bird/squirrel watching position, (Hu-Mum’s writing desk), and I’m quite content. Hope you have 🌞 in your neck of the woods too.
❤️ Kat,  Your Feline Nephew !

Top left our bird feeders
bottom left Gracie (the Highlander) enjoying a sun bath
bottom right our deck trying to dry out under the sun.  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Historic Oakwood 2019 Part 3 and Plates

This stone home was a surprise... most in Oakwood are clapboard
The stone work was beautiful

Top left WOW!!!  That screams Southern
Top right and bottom two are the same home different angles.

1. AT EASE, Maybe former military
2. VETTEFUN, on a Corvette
3. MONEYPIT on a customized Jeep Wrangler
4. GROWLER1, there are 2 of these?!
6. 19-MLP
7. STING on a Yellow VW Bug
8. SXPACK. Six Pack
9. K4TEY, Katey
10. MYNG32
11. MOMOFEXY, Mom of 3 boys and girls?
14. ARMROFGD, Armor of God
15. WOELFPAK, WolfPack
18. JAGCAT, on a Jaguar
20.  F8PHOTO, this is a lens speed for that right YAM-Aunty
21. HMSGRMPY,  on a Mini Cooper
22.  LOON
23.  SNO*SKI, Snow Ski
24. RO4R, Roar (4 is the capital A)
26. H2ODAZE, kinda funny since we have had 8 consecutive days of H2O Days here.
27. COCHEMIO, not sure on this I found some toy cars/truck called Coche mio
28. E-MOM