My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

MyMe story...#1 of 3 Tigger

On Saturday February 16th, Sister Dolly over at Brian's Home had up a funny post about everyone getting a taste of HAM.  Thank you Dolly for reminding My Mind's Eye of  four feline stories
from long ago.

My Mind's Eye has lots of storage space

No photos I'm sorry to say 'cause it was hilarious.

In case I haven't told you, I really and truly loved working at N C State University.  I met so many wonderful students, undergrads,grads and post docs.  I worked with the most amazing Professors and staff in, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Chemistry and Physics over my 25 year career there.  Along the way I was a cat sitter to four cats belonging to graduate students.
Tigger, Jackson and Nala and Simba. 

Story of Tigger the H A M slayer

Tigger was a big Ginger boy. He was always glad to see me when I sat for him.
He loved his food.  

Way back in 1998,  M and his wife came to NCSU shortly after finishing their B.S. at Florida State University.  Go Seminoles.   November 2001, they had their first child. Both sets of grandparents were in Florida. Maternal grandparents were due up the following weekend.    What an honor it was, when they called me to invite me to come see them at the hospital.
Emily was born on a Saturday, I went to see them the next day.  M was now a new Dad and  also in the middle of writing his PhD Thesis. He had not had time to buy groceries before he brought his wife and daughter home.  They asked me if I could sit with Emily one evening that week so that they could go to the grocery store, in preparation for the maternal grandparent's visit. I said Y E S.  When I arrived, Mom told me Emily would probably sleep while they were gone.  Just a few minutes before they returned, Emily woke up.  I had her bottle ready.
When Emily's parents arrived, Tigger (asleep) and I were sitting on the couch feeding Emily.
Mom and Dad were bringing in enough food to feed a small army.  All of a sudden Tigger awoke,
ears alert, tail swishing and his nose was on alert.  Unbeknownst to all of us, he  sashayed into the kitchen.  Humans were busy putting up groceries, I was in another room.  Tigger jumped up on to the table where he found, what his nose had detected.  A deli bag full of ham. I really don't know how he went about getting into it because all I heard was TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER No. Then I heard Emily's mom say that was not for YOU.  Seems Tigger had managed to get his paws, nose,teeth and cat slobber all over the HAM.  It was no secret that he liked ham.  But the kicker was
he was now sharing his peeps with a wee one, and he to his delight, he was no longer the center of attention.   Spring of 2002 Tigger's dad successfully defended his PhD Thesis. They moved to
Maryland for his Dad's post doc and finally settled in Arkansas where is Dad a Professor.
Two more daughters joined the family, along with several  more pets.
Emily volunteers with at a pet shelter too.
I still hear from the family several times a year.

Stay Tuned
Story of Jackson who was lost and then found next week...


  1. Hari OM
    MOL... oh that Tigger... and as a knock-on, this reminded me of my angel Jasper and the time he got up onto the stove to unwrap the BBQ chook I had brought in for some friends (I wasn't going to cook one, right?!) We were happily having our starters out in the garden when Jade dog came out all smiley and tail waggly... very suss. Especially as there was grease all round her schnozz... you know where this is going, yeah? No way she reached that bag herself. Jasper had been up, had his bits then knocked the bag on the floor and Jade polished it off. There was the wishbone and one end wing left. Oh, and the rotisserie bag. My guests were happy with the salad and the giggle. YAM xx

  2. we send standing ovations to Tigger that was fabulous!!! and I like this furmily they have humour and a good heart ;O)

  3. Good job Tigger, getting that ham. We would have done the same thing. Great story. You all have a really good day.

  4. i had no idea cats do things like this until i started blogging, i thought it was only dogs. you already know about Big stealing the loaf of frozen bread. we have to be very careful with food here. i enjoyed the story and got a few giggles. you just gave me fodder for a couple of blogs by stirring up 2 memories of animals and food... keep them coming.

  5. Can I get his number? I want to know how he did it so I can do it too!

    Miss Oswin from NL

  6. Oh that Tigger knew exactly what he wanted, we're STILL waiting!

  7. Tigger sure knew what he wanted and went for it. This story reminds our mom of the time her sister was visiting for Thanksgiving (staying at her pawrents and not with us) and she brought her cats with them. While they were eating Thanksgiving dinner they heard this loud smack sound. Upon entering the kitchen there was one of the cats with a slice of ham on the floor. It was probably heavier then he expected and he couldn't run off with it. Everyone had a good laugh and we think the cat got a little of that slice to snack on.

  8. Tigger certainly benefited from following his nose!

  9. Tigger... I get it! I love ham, too! Our first cat Holly jumped to the kitchen counter and made off with 2 chicken breasts that were defrosting. Ick, what a mess. Cats have no boundaries and know nothing of persanal space. But we love them!

  10. Da Boyz are weird, 'cause they go after cauliflower and sweet potatoes! Then again, we are vegans, so they don't get a chance to steal ham or chicken from our plates...

  11. Oh what a sneaky Tigger!! I am sooooo lucky that none of our pups have ever felt the need to steal..or at least, they have never gotten caught! BOL

  12. Tigger knew there was ham and was going to get his ham. What a delightful story about Tigger and his peeps.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥

  13. Tigger sure loved hame!!! We do too, but Mom is pretty skimpy with sharing it with us:( We bet you were a great catsitter and baby sitter. Maybe we could have you sit for us when the peeps go away:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Bertie wishes he had the legs to jump on tables like Tigger!

  15. Ha roo! What an awesome kit-cat! Go, Tigger!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  16. tigger ewe bee a cat witha cat a tood we like... tho in thiz houz.. itz de other end... coz we iz big time on pork roast ;) thanx for sharin thiz storee madi's mom; it bee hill larry uz !! ☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥

  17. That is so cool that you still keep in touch with them. Your story reminded me of the time my tabby, Miss Gitty ate a piece of bologna with the red ring around the edge. Let's just say the red ring made an partial appearance out the other end. and needed assistance. It was the first and last time I turned my back on her & bologna! MOL!

  18. I'd be in big trouble if I did that! Yipes!

  19. Tigger was clever. That was a fun story. XO

  20. So the real question is, who left the ham laying around for Tigger to get it, right?

  21. That was funny. Amazing how they can smell things, especially what they like.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi