First of all thanks to Ms. Glenda for taking care of me.
While Mom was unpacking she tried to make up for leaving me by giving me a milk ring to play with...I NEARLY fell for this tactic
until she started telling me about....
visiting with this wolfie aka Yogi the Corgi and
how gorgeous he is and how smart he is and
yada yada yada
She told me she was telling Yogi that she did not have a wolfie, he was somewhat confused.
When she told him she lived with a gorgeous and smart kitty, he BOL and asked if she was trying to pull his tail
Mom said Yogi I can't pull you tail because you don't have one.
After that comment, he told Mom not to tell an untrue tale about his tail....MOL...guess maybe Yogi must be kin to Abby over at
As if coming home smelling like a wolfie wasn't enough insult to my feline intelligence, she actually thought I'd believe her when she told me this banana split was 'split' 4 ways....

Mom, Dad and their good friends Sally and Gary had supper at
Sanders Ridge Winery in Yadkin County. Her story is the meal is
served family style....including the dessert.
I told her I wasn't born yesterday and there was no way I would ever believe she shared ice cream with anybody.