Saturday, July 10, 2010
Are you getting sleepy
Friday, July 9, 2010
Flashback Friday: Milky-Way, Cali and Madi
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Roaming the streets

Mom and Dad were out roaming the streets recently at their favorite garden shop, Logan's Trading Company, (I know I need to keep them on a shorter leash) but 'Jeepers Creepers' look what they found.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cats, tables and conversation....
Madi: Oh my Cats that wears me out thinking about it. I bet his thumbs nearly fell off his hands
Mom: I don't know about his thumbs, but I'm pretty sure his brain must have fallen out of his head for him to do something this stupid.
Madi: You know it is times like this I'm glad I don't have thumbs. They can cause lots of problems.
Mom: and times like this make me want to say, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
Madi: Mom thank you for letting me contribute to this very controversial topic. I look forward to discussing more current events with you.
Mom: Sadly this is a very true and ongoing saga and unfortunately this man is one of several NCHP who are now jobless for various and sundry reasons. There is about to be some major house cleaning done to bring this very respected organization back to it's former glory.
Today's header picture was taken in May 2005 as we cruised down the Inside Passage in Alaska.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Name Game better late than never
I was listed at kitty M when Mom and Dad came to pick me out and they arrived w/o a name in mind...They just wanted a female, gray cat. They tossed about a million names such as Maggie Mae, Gracie, Asheley (both of these because I'm gray), Clancy (after the first Vet who checked me over). Dad didn't like any of those names. Then lo and behold Madison came to Mom, but she shortened it to Madi. They said it was harder to name me that my human sister....that should have been a warning to them that I would be challenging.

Fourth (but surely not last) was Toto the mighty mini Daschund. He, too, was named by my human sister. He came to live with the family when my humans sister was 3 years old.
She was and still is a big Wizard of Oz fan. Mom told me she tried to convince my sister that the real Toto was not a doxie but she would not change her mind. Mom even tried to get my sis to name him Otto sinc he was German. Mom said it was pretty obvious that the family dog was to be named Toto no matter the breed, color or sex of said dog.

Thanks for stopping by:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Steeple Sunday: Happy 4th of July!!!

This church began in the minds of eight couples in 1965. They felt a need for a Baptist Church in North Raleigh. Their first Sunday Service was held on May 2, 1965 in a restaurant on Wake Forest Road. On September 5, 1965 the church was officially organized with 28 charter members.

The front entrance to the church is dwarfed by the huge window to the left of the front door.
In fact, the huge window even makes the steeple appear rather small.

On April 30 1968 the church purchased 5.5 acres of land on which the church is now located. The first service in the new church was held on February 23, 1969. Also located on the property behind the church is Friendship Christian School which was organized in 1970. Education starts with 3 and 4 year old children in preschool and continues through 12th grade. They have graduated over 500 students since their first graduation ceremony in 1980.