Hi Friends....thanks so much for all your nice comments and concerns during my recent
"HOME ALONE" experience. I was able to cope quite nicely with the help of Miss Debbie from Pet Pleasers.
Here I am this afternoon, what is that I hear...possibly Miss Debbie. No it is my Mom and Dad returning from the hills after their 2 day R&R. They must have missed me because the first thing I hear is Madi, Madi where are you. Here I am Mom and Dad I missed you both so much.
I gallop down the stairs as best I can...you see I've eaten quite well in their absence..
In fact the last line of Miss Debbie's note went as follows: "Madi has been most pleased with her Fancy Feast". My motto is, live to eat not eat to live!!!

Mom says Madi we thought of you a lot while we were gone especially when we saw this
big 'kitty' sitting outside the grand and glorious Biltmore Estate.

Mom told me they saw lots of dogs while they were in the hills on R&R. Seems dogs get to go lots more places than cats. After several sightings of Bloodhounds in and around Asheville, Mom came to the conclusion that the Bloodhound was the pooch of choice in the hills. She said this one was the easiest one to take a picture of as they were stuck behind him and his peep for several miles. Mom said she thought he might have been on lookout for the hills...

I heard Mom talking to my 'grandma' on the phone about their trip. I really don't think Mom has much room to talk about my eating habits while they were away. Below are a few pictures of the first of many of the fine meals they had while they were away. The Stable Cafe is right inside the main entrance after entering the Biltmore estates. Originally it was home to all the fine horses owned by the Vanderbilts, now it is a fine cafe where all the visitors can dine

the interior design has not been greatly changed from when it was a 'stable'...but Mom did
assure me there were no horses insight. She said it was quite lovely now and very shiny and clean

I really don't see how Mom can say much about my eating habits while she was away...below is a picture of the lunch she and Dad had after touring the Biltmore House. She tried to justify all the calories by saying, 'but Madi we walked all over the Biltmore Grounds after we ate.
I said well Mom I ran up and down the stairs several times a day while you were gone so there.
The below is a picture of the lunch they 'shared'. It was a Carolina Platter for two (??).
Mom said the platter had the most scrumptious rotissiare chicken she has ever eaten, bbq pork ribs, pulled bbq pork, collards, green chile corn pudding, cole slaw, homemade bread and butter pickles and fabulous cornbread. You would think the two peeps would be STUFFED....

They also ordered dessert!!!! Normally they share but Dad said we're in the hills getting some R&R lets each get a different dessert...so they did. Mom ordered pumpkin cheese cake and Dad ordered Apple Struedel with homemade vanilla ice cream.

As you can see, a good time was had by all the first day of their visit to the hills.
Mom will post pictures of 'the hills' and of their visit to Biltmore Estates and Gardens over the next few days.