My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday: Flowers and Gardens of Biltmore Estates

Biltmore Estate Greenhouse and grounds

The gardens are fabulous all year...obviously more variety and colorful in Spring and Summer
You may click on each picture to enlarge it.

Greenhouse roof line

Enormous trunk of a Purple leaf European Beech Tree

on the grounds of Biltmore

inside the greenhouse I found an assortment of plants I had never seen or heard of

below is a Lollipop Plant

Shrimp Plant

I couldn't find an id tag on this one but I LOVE PURPLE

Table of orchids

The outside gardens were filled with colorful mums


  1. Gorgeous - wouldn't it be great if the lollipop plant grew lollipops!
    Not to mention the shrimp plant.......
    The formal gardens looks beautiful and we liked the orchids too.
    We are glad you took your camera xx

  2. That beech tree is fantastic! My mom loves big old trees like that.


  3. Hi Madi!

    Nice flowers your mom did a good job taking these picture.

  4. Aren't those gardens fabulous?
    Just to have one small part of the yard that looked like that would be wonderful.
    Alas I just don't have that green of a thumb.

    Abby's Mom Debra

  5. The Greenhouse looks like something from the World's Fair back in the early 1900's! So much detailed and so many unique plants!!
    I believe the purple one is an orchid, by the
    leaves it has. I once "tried" to grow one.
    And then all of the colors of the exterior gardens with the fall colors is dreamy!!
    Thank you for sharing your trip there!
    Gotta put it on the list to see!

  6. What wonderful memories those pictures bring back!! We were on our honeymoon and every minute was so wonderful!!!
    You have missed a few posts, come !!!
    Love you and miss you, Fern

  7. I'll have to ask Beth why our flowers don't look that good....

  8. I loved the purple flower too!!!

  9. Very pretty photos, thanks for sharing them with us.

    And thanks for coming to my Gotcha Day party yesterday!! :)

    purrs and hugs,

  10. Oh that's heaven on earth, thanks to your mom, my mom has googled Biltmore Estates to discover the place more.
    What a gorgeous vacation dream time, she'll be there someday.

  11. Those are just beautiful. I have heard of mums and orchids but the rest were new to me. I wonder if that shrimp plant would grow up here - I am sure it is too cold but it is so cool looking!

  12. Wonderful flowers for Flower Friday! Looks like you really enjoyed yourself!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi