Today I'm pawticipating in Final Fiction Friday
this is a blog hop link is above.
What I did on Summer Vacation
by Cecilia
My words are from:
Left Holding the Bag: A quilting Cozy
by Carol Dean Jones...Aunty to Teddy, One Spoiled Cat
Page 87:
line 8: rotary cutter
line 12: a rather embarrassing question
line 16: quiet for a moment
In May of 2019, I decided to dust of Sassy Singer.
It was time to rekindle my love of sewing.
I took Sassy in for a tune up. When I brought her home,
Sassy and I sang many duos.
It was time to do what I have wanted to do for at least 25 years...
learn how to quilt. I find a simple quilt pattern.
I took my list of items I would need to JoAnn's.
As I was wandering around the quilting supplies,
I finally found a lady who did not appear to be too busy and who, hopefully, would not laugh at me.
I needed to ask her a rather embarrassing question.
I explained that I was trying to teach myself to quilt and I needed a
little help finding things. I showed her my list. She was quiet for a moment,
She looked up at me with a very kind smile and a twinkle in her eyes as she said
The lady helped me find everything on my I was about to check out
she asked if I had a *rotary cutter and a **self healing cutting mat. I might have looked like
a deer staring into headlights. She said no worries follow me.
Long story short I made my first quilt
Followed by at least '87' more...don't worry I won't make you look at them again.
Anyway I perfected working with pre-cut squares, borders, binding and backing.
As the hot summer progressed, it became obvious I was gonna need lots of
inside projects. I decided to make a small sample quilt of all the things I learned summer
2019. BUT I learned one more new thing...working with angles and shapes of different sizes.
Newest quilts
I really wanted to learn the the **Churn Dash pattern
(*rotary cutter pictured below white handle, FYI the rotary cutter is SHARP
**self healing mat is the gray mat below, when you cut on it the cut magically disappears)
Once I made the churn dash sq....Of course I needed to incorporate it in to a quilt.
I decided to use all the things I have learned this summer.
Top and bottom row kitty 5" squares
**Churn Dash in the center: aquas prints, dark pink
Prairie Point triangles on the rosy pink
Lastly I learned how to do a self fabric border which is
made from backing fabric.
I am very proud of my 70 year old brain. I give myself an E for EFFORT.
So that is what I did on Summer Vacation.
WHAT did you do.
My think I might hang this sample quilt. I need to look into hanging methods
I also taught myself how to make hourglass quilt blocks
Gray kitties on the back of the hourglass quilt |
My little fingers are pointing out the hourglass blocks above. |
I finished number 3 on September 22...the
last day of Summer 2019
I call it POINTS
You will recognize the red and white fabric.
It was in my very first quilt.
I decided to create something I have been seeing in
My Mind's Eye using up the remainder of the red and white fabric.
I made the 4 center squares with no purpose for them at the time I finished
I bought the red, white and blue star fabric for the back
and navy for the border.
I now have a quilt to use at most major holidays.
This will be used for July 4, Memorial Day and Veteran's Day
This one is mish mash of things I've learned
and some things I've learned not to do again (LOL).
I have a few
**humility squares.
They are on a need to know basis...I don't think anyone needs to know
unless they find them. LOL
** "Humility Square" is the one quilt square that Puritans or Amish quilters purposely created imperfectly in their quilts.
The white stitching you see on the back is little stars
Elkin City Park. A lovely short trail near our friend's home in Western NC.