JANUARY 5, 2010 IS NATIONAL BIRD DAY.... FILL UP YOUR FEEDERS OR THROW OUT SOME BREAD CRUMBS FOR OUR FINE FEATHERED FRIENDS.Madi and I received the "Superior Scribbler Award". We would like to thank Ms. K at
Dog Daze for passing this onto us. Dog Daze was the very first blog I ever read. I learned so much from Ms. K and she was quite an inspiration once I told her I was thinking about blogging.
Ms. K says this Award has been going around since October 2008. Click *
hereyou can read all about it.

As is common with all awards there are rules:
1. Each Superior Scribbler (S.S.) must pass the Award onto 5 most deserving blogger friends.
2. Each S.S. must link the author and name of the blog from whom he/she received the award.
3. Each S.S. must display the award on his/her blog and link to this post, which explains the award.*
4. Each S.S. who wins is asked to visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List
(I haven't quite figured this out yet) so they can keep up-to-date on everyone how receives
The Prestigious Honor.
5. Each S.S. must post these rules on his/her blog.
Since the Scholastic Scribbler Award has been around for a while, many of you may have already received it.
I would like to pass it on to all my blogger friends because you are all very talented Scribblers.
I'm sending it to 5 kitties so that it can start to circulate in the Feline World too.
A delightful male friend in The Nethlands and his Mom Anya, the Poet.
There are a bevy of kitties there: Abby, Boo, Gracie, Ping and Jinx
Zoey one danity female, Ernie and Wally two mighty males who are always into something.
Miss Cindi Lou Who and her mom The Photographer!!!
The Creek Cats and
Dixie one lovely Lab living by a Creek in Eastern NC
Maggie May, Maizy Grace, Ferris, Rambler, Maya, Chevelle
all rescued kitties. Their Mom volunteer's with a local Animal Rescue Group
Madi and I thank every kitty, dog and assistant who come to visit us each day.
The above is just a very short list of our 'furiends'.
Madi and Mom