Madi and her Dad have a routine....
When I'm home on the weekends things get a tad messed up.
I'm told, every morning when Dad goes into the bathroom to shave Madi follows him.
She hops up on the counter and watches with great interest.
When he gets in the shower she takes a nap on the bath mat.
When I'm home on the weekend mornings Madi is torn
between staying with me to see what I'm up to or
going with Dad. 99% of the time she really wants to
be with Dad but he is already in the shower.
She stands at the bathroom door meowing LOUDLY until I open it for her

Once I open the door she turns to look at me as if to say
ok you can leave please close the door on your way which I do.

Saturday morning I decided to be waiting after the shower to capture her exit...
Dad says as soon as he turns the water off she seems to think her job is done
and politely asks to be let out....dang those paws are just not good at opening door knobs.
So I was ready to snap the picture as soon as I heard the door open
Surprise not only did I get Madi exiting but we have a cameo appearance
by DAD's feet!!!!

FYI: MADI never comes into the bathroom with me?!