My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Madi: Mom and Dad's latest project as I saw it

This is a picture of a new print Mom and Dad gave each other for Christmas. Dad picked it up from the frame house last week. They have been wanting something to hang over the door into our family is perfect.

Now to tell you how it got way up there and what it took to get it there.
Here I am watching the process from afar.

Here is the rest of the story:
I just love it when Mom and Dad have projects.
The spot where I'm sitting is normally in the way of foot traffic; however, today
it is the safest spot and the best place to watch the peeps and I have my mouse to keep me company.
What I'm staring at is Dad preparing to hang the new picture.

Evidently it takes a lot of equipment.

1. ladder

2. hammer

3. level

4. ruler

5. pencil

6. note pad

7. nails and hooks
(items 2-7 are on 'MY' couch thus I'm on the floor)
8. Flashy beast in the capable hands of the Mom

Why so much equipment you ask? Well Dad is very precise when he hangs pictures and there is no room for error (Mom's exact words).
Mom has the flash beast out because she knows there will be good photo opts......
Mom did promise Dad she would not take any pictures of Dad!!!???
I'm not to sure about the ladder so I decided to keep my distance.

Madi one curious kitty cat and Dad you did a great job!!!

According to Mom's Whimsical Calendar, there are not special days until early next week.


  1. Lovely picture and smart Madi to stay out of the way!

  2. Ah, it's very hard to get a large picture in the right place on the wall. You did very well! I think it was all the supervision you had!

  3. MAdi
    Tell Dad great job and good idea to stay clear of the ladder. CAn you get up there to see the picture yet, I hear you cats can go anywhere you want???

  4. Well done Dad - ours is also very precise and not keen to have pics taken.
    Well not for the blog!
    The picture looks lovely and we are glad you were able to watch all the activity.
    These humans can be quite amusing at times like this.......especially sometimes they hammer their finger instead of the nail and they make great sounds!
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  5. The picture hanging job does look perfect. We have a project going on in our family room today too, multitasking while the football is on!

  6. Looks good! Your dad did a very good job!

  7. Nice picture! Looks like you did a great job in contracting that project out Madi!

  8. Hi Madi!

    Purrsonally I think you did all the hard work and you're letting your Dad take all the credit.

    *kitty grins*

    That is a beautiful picture.

  9. Madi, as much as I appreciate how cautious you are, I'm surprised. You're a curious kat, aren't you? How come you weren't sniffing or on top of or under the ladder? Now if it was a hat instead of a ladder...

  10. Hi, Madi!
    Your Dad did a pawesome job!
    The picture looks perfect there!
    Kisses and hugs

  11. Madi, you did a super job making sure your Dad got that picture hung perfectly, with no room for error! Hope you had a great weekend!

  12. Sounds very complicated, you were wise to keep your distance. :)

  13. Oh Madi, you are such a good supervisor. The picture is so straight and in the perfect location. How could your humans have done this without you? We also think the picture is beautiful.

    Cindi's vet gave her a prescription for Revolution. It covers everything including heartworms, ear mites and fleas. She goes outside in our fenced yard with me sometimes, a lot in the summer. It's a little vial of liquid that goes on the skin on the back of her neck. I even put in a pocket of my jeans for awhile to make sure it isn't too cold but she still hates it!

    Hugs & Kitty kisses,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  14. Hi Madi

    The picture looks great and I sure that spot in the middle of the floor also gave you a good view to snoopervise too, at least thats what the animals do here.

  15. Poor Madi, I hope you got your couch back!!

    The picture looks great and I am sure your dad ensured that it is in the right spot!!

  16. Hi Madi
    You have such a (Cool) Daddy like mine
    he want also not on mine blog !!!!!
    Why not ...... LOL
    The picture looks nice
    but when I 'm honest
    I can not see it very well
    (I think its beautiful :-)
    You are a very great supervisor!!!
    Enjoy your day ....
    I send you hugs & love
    Kareltje =^.^=

  17. Mom and Dad did a great job hanging the very nice painting, Madi!
    Well, even though you could not sit on YOUR couch, at least you got a nice warm sunny spot to supervise!
    My Mom calls me "under foot puppy" when it comes to projects!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi