My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

Mom used LunaPic: Embossed and frame for this family portrait
My nephew Frisco, niece Mia and family matriarch Madame Madi

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Final Friday Fiction Challenge and Tater cooking

We are trying participating in YAM-Aunty's
I have my pen and paper ready and a pot of coffee!

Click here to join the hop and read all the fun stories

Simple rules
  1. Take a favourite book and go to page 87; take a section from lines 8, 12 and 16.
  2. using those phrases as a prompt, build a story around them. It can be either prose or poetry. The phrases do not have to appear in your tale in the same order as they were extracted from the origin text; but they ought to remain 'intact' so that they can be recognized upon reading them. 

Now grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage and find a cozy chair.  
1.  Winter's Tale by Dorothy Bodoin, 
this book is about a dog named Winter; however by these  lines I found on page 87, you'd never know it. 
2. I guess so sure (8), With Leonora's flair for attracting men (12), soon Emil would be, 
long speculative stare(16)

Supper with Friends
Sue, Camille, Leonora and Joan

It was late November, a biting rain was falling and the threat of sleet. Driving on the country road took every ounce of concentration. 

 Even so, the  four friends always met for a  supper each month on the fourth Thursday. 
Rain, sleet or snow they showed up like the proverbial postman. They took turns
selecting the location.  This month they all asked Sue if she would take charge, she replied 
I guess so, sure
Each Thursday was planned months ahead but the location was only disclosed a few days ahead of the supper.  With Leonora's flair for attracting men, Sue thought it wise to select an out of the way venue on the outskirts of town.  Sue hoped that soon Emil would be too busy at work to hound her for a location.  Emil  liked to keep an eye on Leonora.
On the appointed night at the precise time everyone arrived.  Everyone quickly took off their slickers and Wellies.  Air kisses and hugs were exchanged.  They were escorted to a lovely table in a quiet corner. The orange glow from the fireplace was quite welcoming.   Everyone complimented Sue on the venue. They each reached for a warm homemade roll and homemade cinnamon butter.  As they each bit into the warm roll, they knew the evening was going to be a smashing success.
The waiter handed them the menus, a long speculative stare was exchanged. 
They could not read a word.
It was written in Emoji symbols.


Hidey Ho all Tater heads!! today we are 
Shopping around the world hosted by Da Phenny and Bacon the Pig
the featured food is potatoes!! Click here for more tantalizing tater recipes

We don't have photos of this recipe..............BECAUSE THE ONE WITH THUMBS


Sweet and White Potato Spears
This recipe came from Family and Food magazine 2007.
Eileen Hatcher, the creator wrote this at the end:
"Eyes light up when I place this crispy and flavorful side dish on the table"!

prep :10 min, total time: 1 hr 10 min

1 1/2 lb sweet potatoes (about 3) washed and cut into spears,
1 1/2 lb baking potatoes (about 3) washed and cut into spears
(you can peel if you want to but the skin is full of vitamins)
1/2 cup Kraft Zesty Italian Reduced Fat (if you don't have Kraft any 
Italian is fine)
1/4 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley (I used dried)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
Toss Potatoes with dressing
Bake 30 min: turn potatoes, bake an additional 30 min.
Sprinkle with cheese during the last 5 minutes, Sprinkle with parsley
Serve piping hot.
8 servings (unless you are piggies like my peeps)

I turned them then sprinkled with cheese and only cooked 15 more minutes.
They are so good!!


Thanks-Blogville and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join 

I have a lot to be thankful for today.
First things first!! To  all of you reading this

I am just 3 1/2 months from my 16th Meowday (3/11/02) and exactly
7 months from my 9th blogaversary (6/23/09). 
What a wild and fun time we have had over the last
8 1/2 years and it is all because of the citizens of Blogville. Little did we know in the early months of 2009 the journey we were about to have. We quickly learned life is all about the journey not the destination. The friendships formed the things we learned and OMCs how far mom has come she can do more than type now!!.

We thank each and every friend/furiend
we have made since we became citizens of Blogville in 2009. Mom
has 87 million of you to thank for all the things you taught her. Each of you have enriched our lives with your friendship, willingness to help
and support each other and us no matter what the circumstances, happy or sad. 

You are our cyber family!!

Words cannot describe how much we look forward to each and every post you lovingly
prepare. Often I am napping near by when mom reads your blogs...she rattles the
rafters and wakes me from a deep sleep with her
Thanks to Blogville
I have faced some health issues this year and we thank all of your for your support and for the emails or comment inquiring about my Diva-ness. 
In August my prognosis was guarded. Here we are 3 months later.
With the help of our dear Vet Dr. S and all the techs who helped mom learn to
give me my fluids and my pills we are managing!!
Mom has come upon a schedule that works and keeps my tummy happy. 
We three seniors are living and loving and enjoying each day.


Mom offered to cook for Uncle and Auntie K....just like last year but lo and behold 
Auntie K said, " I would really like to cook this year is that ok with you?" 
MOM said Y E S almost before Auntie K finished her sentence.
Now if mom just remembers to bring some turkey home for a starving Diva!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and may your time with family and friends be filled with lots 
of love and memories
Hugs Madi and Mom

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Teddy and Angel Sammy


Our two ginger-men did not give us word prompts today.
They told us X is a hard word and to write about anything.
Today's post is brought to you by the letter
Xcitement is what I felt when I realized it was X day
Xactly how I was going to rhyme
Was something I hoped would come to mind
Xcept what I had in my mind was only a scheme
Xtreme glee filled my cup when
Madi finally said, Mom give it up, there is no Xrta time
You will never Xcel at poetry unless
you Xerox one from the pages of time.
X's and O's
Madi and Mom

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Saturday November 18, 2017...6:30 am Sunrise over Madi Manor
we live in Northwest Raleigh; however, in 

 Downtown Raleigh about 11 miles East of us this was the very same
view.  Taken by a local news anchor. She was up early to cover the
Raleigh Christmas Parade

Happy Birthday to my favorite brother in law aka Dad to Mia and Frisco.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thank you from the Wake Co Animal Shelter

On October 31, 2017 we pawticipated in Arty, Jakey and Rosy's 
Treats not Tricks for Shelters blog hop.  Click here to see our November 1st post
announcing how many comments we had and showing your our letter
to Wake County Shelter

Friday November 17, 2017 the peeps received a thank you letter from the 
Wake County Animal Shelter/Center  below

Please note below Dr.Federico said thank you 
to all of my loyal followers.  Your comments on my blog on 10/31/17 raised all the money we 
sent to them, $35.00.  

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday Madi Mews

On Wednesday November 15, 2017 HERE, mom wrote about my solitary confinement in the 
pantry for 6 hours.  Since then I have decided sleeping in my cat stump (too short to be a cat tree) is way more comfy and cozy....
Mom here: I've often posted pics of Madi on level 3 of her cat stump
but Never in 15 3/4 years have I ever seen her in level 1 or 2.
Level 1
 I found her sleeping in it on November 15, 2017.
As I've said she keeps finding new places to sleep and surprise us.
Level 2

Level 3

 Repost from January 2015
just to show you Madi has always been intrigued by the pantry
Repost of the recycle paper bin where I thinks she slept

Note from Mom:  I caught Madi in the order to capture
the photos I used  my iPad some of them aren't very clear!!
But she was clearly searching for something and it had to be documented!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017