My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 13, 2018

Flower Friday the 13th "Hangover".....

My Senior 6 month wellness update at the end
The hosta plant below right corner lives
in the tall red pot under the Maple tree near our Sanctuary* top left corner.

Dad mentally designed this spot then presented his mental image to our the ultimate landscaper Adam...
When Adam finished...he told Dad it looked like a Sanctuary* that is what we call it.

Senior 6 month wellness results
I've gained about 3 ounces...woohoo
my kidney levels were good...except my phosphorus was up a wee bit from
3 months ago.  Dr. Szabo tweaked  RX for Aluminum Hydroxide which is a phosphorus binder.
This is okey dokey fine since it doesn't have any taste and
is sprinkled over my food.  I also got my Rabies vaccine.
This Jaguar's chassis is good to go for 6 more months.

Oh and my loo has a fancy pants sun screen over it. Nick the installer was quicker than greased lightning.  I didn't even know he was here. No more scary shadows in my litter box
and we can raise and lower it as need be.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

State Fair 
this is a true story

Every October the State Fair comes to town 
As a child, my excitement was hard to keep down
Ferris wheels, roller coasters and giant slides
Even a bearded lady was said to reside.
Food galore was everywhere
Hot dogs, cotton candy, and popcorn and so much more.
When you are five,
mixing, cotton candy and hot dogs is not advised
Within minutes my fun took a dive
Off to the first aid station they did drive
I broke out in the worst case of hives  
but thankfully I am still alive.

Since I had eaten many hot dogs in my five years, it was quickly determined
I was allergic to cotton candy or possible the dye in it.

Today's photo prompt
reminded me so much of a picture I have on our office wall. 
It was taken in ~1988 by one of my favorite Chemistry graduate students from France.
It was his first trip to the N. C. State Fair. This was way way before digital cameras.
All the pictures he took were with slides easy to travel with and develop.
When he showed me the photos he took, 
I loved the slide so much he turned it into a photo for me.

Breaking News!!
Today is going to be trying.  Gottcha Covered is coming at 
1:30 to install sunscreen shades on the skylight over my Loo and in my Blog office.
I hope and purr I don't need to use the Loo. 

Once the sun screen shade is in place there won't be any more 
wild and crazy shadows lurking in my loo.

 We are told the installer is quick as greased lightning.

Then to add insult to injury......I have my Senior Wellness Physical ...@3:30 pm
I will sing the song of my people all they way there (10 minutes) and back.
I suspect there will be a blood letting to check on my kidney values and I know
there will be at least one vaccine.  I will try to be brave.
Of course we'll share my visit with you all later.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tasty Tuesday Tale

Here I was snug as a bug in a rug when
mom decided to expand on an idea she saw on the TVeeees.  Of 
course, I was included without prior approval.

There was an info-MERCIAL on how to beat the heat, lots of it was common sense.
i.e. Stay indoors, stay hydrated, don't exert yourself.  I was doin' all of this so
WHY did I have to be bothered?
The answer is simple it is my blog...and Mom thinks there must always be a  photo of  the star Madi (you are welcomed) thus the above.  Now for the real reason for this post.

Evidently lots of folks don't like water...plain and simple...(mom loves water) but anyway
they suggested putting sliced strawberries in ice trays, add water and freeze.
 (MOL yep mom still has old fashion ice trays even though we have an ice maker).
Then you have tasty and purrty ice.  Mom took it to another level on
July 4th.  She and Dad had a hummus, cheese and fruit plate for lunch and
very festive glasses of water.

Below is the recipe for the Corn and Zucchini Melody we told you about yesterday

Corn and Zucchini Melody  (from All

4 slices of bacon
2 cups of chopped zucchini ~3
1 ½ cups fresh corn kernels (I use 1- 15 oz can drained)
1 small onion chopped
1 pinch of pepper
¼ cup of shredded Monterey Jack Cheese (I use sharp Cheddar)

Cook bacon in a deep skillet over medium heat until evenly brown, place on paper towels to drain chop and set aside.  Reserve 1 TBSP of drippings.

Heat the bacon drippings in the skillet over medium heat.  Sauté the zucchini, corn, and onions until tender but still crisp ~10 minutes.  Season with pepper, spoon vegetables into a bowl, sprinkle with chopped bacon and shredded cheese just to mix and get ready to say yummmmmy!!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Monday Sparks Mews for 'Yous'

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Today's Sparks is from First Watch a Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch
destination.  The peeps went there for a pre-July 4th breakfast.

Can you believe no one thought to bring me an itty bitty kitty piece of
Bacon?  But I will say I did get a nibble of bacon at supper on July 3.
Mom makes this yummy side dish with corn, zucchini, onions and shredded cheddar cheese that is topped with bacon crumbs. I can smell BACON even when in in a
CAT a TONIC state.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Happy Happy and Saturday reveal

YAM-Aunty asked for a big reveal on yesterday's pic....
check out the caption below

It is hard to get good cut off my tail...wonder if it will grow back