Tuesday night was our annual heat pump inspection.
Below are the receipts the service man (aka intruder to Madi's domain) left.
Evidently they had a very 'interesting' smell on them.
Madi was giving them sniff test from the counter. They fell to the floor
she continued to thoroughly inspect them ......then

she either decided they smell so good she wanted to absorb the odor
or either she wanted to save them for later. Whatever her
reason she ended up sitting directly on top of them.

I've been fortunate enough to be owned by 2 cats for a total of 21 years thus far. I
still can't explain 95% of what cats think or why they do the things the do.
I'm just tickled for the opportunity to enjoy them.
I'm pretty sure their noses control their brains.
Thanks Madi for making me smile and doing things to make me think.