My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

I used mirrored effect in PicMonkey and  focal color on this photo....
It sure did make a pretty picture.
Above the mirrored Red Cardinals it looks like a stained glass window or a statue 
BUT see the original below

Here is the original.  
The ivy on our neighbor's shed and the roof mirrored became a statue or stain glass 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Felines.....and 1 Flower Friday

Those who don't know us say we are 


Those who love us delight in our ever move and mood and take tons of photos
of what appears to be the same pose...but it is not...just watch our tails our ears 

and our sweet silent presence!!!
I wish you could have heard mom squeal when she saw my back feets crossed

We join the ever so darling and precious Rosy SassyPants for

Last Month Rosy told us it was okey dokey if we didn't have flowers to post some nature pictures
so here we go.

What was Madi doing in this photo from Wednesday.

Well we'll tell you but first all of these photos and the one from Wednesday and the one that will post on Easy Sunday were taken at the same time.  She loves HER table.
As I was madly snapping away made looked like she was about to yawn so I snapped  the one below.
Alas she never yawn.  I'm thinking she either caught a whiff of something or was
giving me a raspberry.  Look closely you can see just the tip of her tongue

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Once again we thank Angel Sammy for selecting a picture
that has inspired us.
Here is a little info from Angel Sammy on the beautiful painting
The photo above is so totally cool I have some info for you about WHERE and WHAT it is……………’s in an ancient almshouse in Stamford, England…………..and if you CLICK HERE you can find out more! 

by Madi and Mom
Tall ships gliding smoothly over the glassy sea
Oh me
Bellowing white sails full of wind and mist.
Oh me
White capped waves lapping the hull and wetting the deck
Oh me
Deck hands cleverly manning the sails with skill and ease
Oh me
Red skies at night a sailor's delight
Oh me
Red skies in the morning a sailor's warning
Oh me
A sailor's life is not easy
Oh me
Once the salty air fills his lungs, his soul will forever roam the seas.
Oh me. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Mews

Swish, swash I was taking a nap...... someone became
infatuated with the swosh of my tail and she insulted my tush..
she said she thought all my 7 lbs were stored in my tush.

Someone might need a job or a hobby.




Don't forget to join Jakey for "Making Post Cards 101"  Monday if you need help making your post card!!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Easy Sunday Plates

* didn't know what it meant

2. ILOVENC, I love North Carolina
4. 7LOTUS on a Lotus car, maybe they have 7
5. STRIKEII, Strike two
6. WHIPWAGN, Probably own a Whippet
car had a dog cage in back
7. OAKCITY, Nickname for Raleigh
8. OSHO*
9. BLKONBLK, Black on Black
10. 2LEAN, Too lean
11. IHOHOHO, I ho ho ho
12. I'MA Rube, I am a Ruby?
13 ANZGRWN, _____*Grown
14. NCGRL, on a Virginia Plate, NC native
16. T4CHARD*
17. NXOXO*
18. SHASP!R!T, _____*Spirit
21. WUFFP@K WolfPack (NC State Univ nickname)
22. MINIMIZ, on a Cooper Mini Miss