My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 9, 2018

Felines.....and 1 Flower Friday

Those who don't know us say we are 


Those who love us delight in our ever move and mood and take tons of photos
of what appears to be the same pose...but it is not...just watch our tails our ears 

and our sweet silent presence!!!
I wish you could have heard mom squeal when she saw my back feets crossed

We join the ever so darling and precious Rosy SassyPants for

Last Month Rosy told us it was okey dokey if we didn't have flowers to post some nature pictures
so here we go.

What was Madi doing in this photo from Wednesday.

Well we'll tell you but first all of these photos and the one from Wednesday and the one that will post on Easy Sunday were taken at the same time.  She loves HER table.
As I was madly snapping away made looked like she was about to yawn so I snapped  the one below.
Alas she never yawn.  I'm thinking she either caught a whiff of something or was
giving me a raspberry.  Look closely you can see just the tip of her tongue


  1. Pretty nature photos! And da paws crossed photo are too cute!

  2. Our ears and our tails are so expressive, we kitties don't need eyebrows!

  3. oh how great that your daffodils are early berds too... we hope ours will survive that Jack Frost what came back over night ;O)))

  4. I do LUFFS the puzzle Madi
    Isn't it wonderful seeing the first signs of SPRING in the garden (and I do wish it would just hurry up its paws and get here!!!!)
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. I just love your sweet silent presence picture, Madi! Happy Friday☺

  6. Hari OM
    Essence of cats caught on camera. Well done to TOGM! hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. EXCELLENT!!! photos today of our sweet Madi girl. love the tip of the tongue and the bottom right of the collage with chin tucked in and of course the crossed back legs.

  8. I am betting that was a very cute pose too Mom with her back legs crossed.
    Happy weekend.

  9. Those are great photos pretty Madi, not puzzling at all!

  10. There are no flowers what-so-ever around here. There's snow on the ground and more coming today. But we're glad to see your little pansy blooming.

  11. Ut oh...You Know Who just hit the floor again! Great photos. You should use the program Teddy and Angel Sammy used and make that into a real puzzle!!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. We know that cat's goal in life is to be contrary to their humans, Madi!

  13. Wow! What pretty nature photos! We can't wait to see what your daffies look like! Isn't it fun to give Mama razberries, Auntie Madi?? I give them to my Mama alllll the time!
    Your Sassy Niece, Rosy

  14. Nice nature photos !
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. madi itz noe puzzle that yur gorgeouz frum all theez angullz...N how kewl
    iz that ya haz flowerz all reddy !!!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  16. You have Daffodils popping through already! We have ice on the way tonight! I think Madi was giving you a raspberry... Hahaha! Madi, your tail has a mind of its own. Love the framed photo with your crossed feets... ♥ Beautiful sunrise... cotton candy clouds!

  17. We LOVE that puzzle graphic ... it's really cool how you did that! 50 shades of Madi! And you know exactly what we like ... those tailio shots!

  18. I will get mommy to look to see our daffodils. Ours have come in early Feb for several years now.

  19. You're not puzzling, you're just purrfect!

  20. OMC, those back feetsies! We're all squeeeeeeeee-ing here!

  21. All your poses are superb, Madi, but we do love the one with the crossed paws:) We have NO blooms right now although Mom did make a nice (artificial) centerpiece for our kitchen table. It has one little flower in it.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. Madi you's can be a trival weird but keep doing your own thing, You are a true Cougar.

    Crotchety and Proud,


  23. You have a pretty little tongue.It looks like Spring is less than 5 weeks away there. xo

  24. We can't believe you have daffy dills popping out already. Our pawrents are a little jealous of your weather but you know we love the cold and snow.

  25. Raspberry....DEFINITELY a raspberry! BOL!!!!! You knows, Ma likes takin' my pic in the same spots too, butts it's because there is only a few places with the right light and well, Moms are weird! ☺ I thinks your back paws are sure worth a huge SQUEEEEE!!!
    Ruby ♥♥

  26. That pansy sure is brave and you are definitely blowing a raspberry.

  27. I'll admit to squeeing over your crossed paws too. I vote those are raspberries too. MOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi