My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 27, 2018

Final Friday Fiction and Fake Flowers

Today we are pawticipating in Final Friday Fiction
Hosted by YAM-Aunty

Shadow of the Ghost Dog
by Dorothy Bodoin

page 87
line 8 editorial staff
line 12 wearing
line 16 fulfilling her duties

Seen recently in a news paper in our hometown!!

This is a blog here to join us.

Mom says I must tell you that this is 95% fiction
she doesn't own any Grease PJs but she'd like to.
She is always well groomed,
However, she has been known to have her iPad sitting to the left of the desktop
keyboard playing WWFs when she should be BLOGGING only.

Rosy, Arty and Jakey...we apologize for fake flowers.  It appears I also need to
place a want ad for a gardener too.
Guess what  August 7th, is National Lighthouse Day,

Rosy, Arty and Jakey's mama made this gorgeous badge.
Please feel free to copy it for your blog.  
you may join the blog hop on August 7th by clicking HERE

It was on this day in 1789, that Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouse, beacons, buoys and public piers. In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the signing of the Act and the commissioning of the first Federal lighthouse, Congress passed a resolution which designated August 7, 1989 as National Lighthouse Day.  Read all about it here 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

Tiny Dancer
by Madi(son) D Cat

When sissy was wee, around about three,
she told mom a tiny dancer I want to be.
She dreamed of tutu's and ballet shoes.
On her toes she wanted to stand. 
There were no classes for girls under four.
Within a few months Mom looked some more.
She found a dancing class with an open door.
Sissy's smile of glee brightened the room
As she danced and twirled and learned to "push the floor away",*
She learned poise and posture life's lessons galore.


Note 1 from Mom:
Today's picture brought back likes of found memories of instructor.
The teacher was just the best she had all kinds of phrases that helped the younger children learn I remember, 
"pliés and push the floor away"  

Note 2 from Mom:
Some where in this house (I looked everywhere)
 I have a darling photo of Madi's Sissy
in her first dance recital photo.  The four and five year old ballerinas were
little mice.  Their costumes was precious light gray leotard with a mouse tail,
pink tutu, pink ballet slippers, and headbands that were mouse ears.

This might give you an idea.

Guess what  August 7th, is National Lighthouse Day,

Rosy, Arty and Jakey's mama made this gorgeous badge.
Please feel free to copy it for your blog.  
you may join the blog hop on August 7th by clicking HERE

It was on this day in 1789, that Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouse, beacons, buoys and public piers. In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the signing of the Act and the commissioning of the first Federal lighthouse, Congress passed a resolution which designated August 7, 1989 as National Lighthouse Day.  Read all about it here 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wordy Wednesday: in one Word BUSTED

Back in late May I announced  that mom bought me a stepping stool
because I didn't seem to be able to jump into my love seat and White throne.  Getting down was no problem.

Mom called me a con artist......the 3 collages below (photos taken 7/22/18)  are quite incriminating.

Well it seems I was caught in the midst of a grand adventure and I might be busted...
might have messed up my gravy train...might have a hard time pleading my case as a poor pitiful 
aging Senior Lady.

You see I thought my peeps were busy upstairs.  I made a wee too much noise mom came down to see what was what.  Dang iPad was handy and there is documentation.

Note from Mom:  In my humble opinion, if Madi(son) D Cat,can jump on the back of the chair,
I think she is quite capable of jumping into the chair w/o a Stool. I REST MY CASE

Note from Madi(son) D Cat:  Mom all I hear is blah blah blah.....I need the stool to conserve my energy so that I can jump on to the back of the chair!!

Does anyone have anything to add to this saga?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday Tale: Enlightening News

Guess what 2 weeks from today, August 7th, is National Lighthouse Day,

Rosy, Arty and Jakey's mama made this gorgeous badge.
Please feel free to copy it for your blog.  
you may join the blog hop on August 7th by clicking HERE

It was on this day in 1789, that Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouse, beacons, buoys and public piers. In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the signing of the Act and the commissioning of the first Federal lighthouse, Congress passed a resolution which designated August 7, 1989 as National Lighthouse Day.  Read all about it here 

Mom and Mama Beth are huge fans of Lighthouses.  Needless to say they were delighted when
they read about this special day.  
We'd like to invite everyone to join us and Rosy and Arty and Jakey in a Blog Hope celebrating lighthouses.
All you have to do it tell us about your favorite lighthouses, beacon, buoys or piers.
Lighthouses can be found on rivers and sounds just like this one

  Mama Beth will set up a blog hop too.  We can hop all over this great big
world learning and seeing new things.

NC is famous for her lighthouses and they all have very interesting histories. 

Several years ago Mom and Dad went on a week long tour of NC Lighthouses
They told me a great story about Ocracoke Island Lighthouse and it's a resident kitty

Ocracoke Lighthouse is the oldest OPERATING lighthouse.
There are others older but they are not in service.
In 1798, a 54' wooden tower was built on this point on Ocracoke Inlet to mark the channel.

Mr. Kitty got a little cheeky with pizapped Madi
Mom said I'd have cried like a girl if he whacked me
with his daggers.  She said he had never had a mani-pedi

We hope you will hop around the world with us to show us your lighthouses,
beacons, buoys or public piers.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday Madi Sparks and FFF reminder

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Friday July 27 is Final Friday Fiction
hosted by YAM-Aunty's

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Miscellaneous photos

Shadows and Symmetry...
All photos taken during an early morning walk at Crabtree Valley Mall
If you ever wonder where we are between 8 am and ~9:15 M-F we are walking here.
Cooler weather we walk outside, 3 H's weather we walk inside the mall.

I even managed to make to grow about 2' in height (bottom right)

Six fish a swimmin' make my kitty bitty kitty mouth water.

The objects above the fish are lights but they kinda look like hooks

Are you confused yet?  Best not text and drive here.