Thoroughly Thankful Poetic Thursday
Angel Sammy has suggested one of these C words:
car, camera, cookie, carpet.
Being an over achiever I have decided once again to use all of them.
Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Teddy and Angel Sammy
Today's poem is factual/with embellishments by
While my peeps were away,
Bored I did stay
So I hopped on eBay.
To my surprise I found lots of goodies
Including cookies.
To my delight,
My order was sent overnight.
I ate and I ate til them I did toss
all over the new carpet.
Alas I had no car to take me far.
All I could do was face my fate
When my peeps arrived, very late in the night
we had a gleeful reunion. There were squeals of joy
and lots of hugs. I was thrilled beyond belief
to hear mom's camera storage was over loaded.
So three cheers there is no evidence there
were cookies tossed about.
This photo was taken on Tuesday, June 27th,
the day after the aforementioned incident.
As you can see I had no worries. Life is good
my peeps are home!!
Today we are participating in

I Madison D. Cat am thankful for a loving home and understanding
peeps who love me unconditionally. I am especially thankful for mom's handy
dandy Bissell Pet Shampooer which she 'happily' put to use at 10 pm on Monday night.
Woo Hoo Yay Mom you are the bestest!!
Thursday June 22, 2017
Today I' starting to features some pictures of our no particular order
Jet boat tour down the Colorado River through Canyonlands National park.
I was very thankful for the wonderful opportunity to take a trip in a covered boat.
Normally this is the boat used for the Jet Boat tour. We could have literally melted
w/o a top.
It was a scorching day (103F).
This rock formation is called the Jar
look closely you see a handle on the left
From the boat we saw a family of Brown Desert Big Horn sheep.
As you can see they blend in with their surroundings.
This was one of the adults. The baby was behind the rock
Sculptures of a big horn sheep
and a lizard...I saw of few of these living and breathing too!!