My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday Flowers and Friends

Welcome to....

As you can see, I've been Pizapped into this photo.  It was a sunpuddle photo
and my head was making a Pizapped my shadow too.
Don't you just love the bed of yellow day lilies!!

I am so proud of niece, Mia and my nephew Frisco they are

Our hosta is blooming too.  This is the first time we've put it in a pot.
Years past the critters ate it. Mom's hummingbird feeder is just behind the
hosta and hummers like hostas so we hope to see them feeding here soon


  1. daylilies are wonderful... and your yellow flowers look like a bed madde of sun puddles ...beautiful!!!

  2. Hari OM
    yup, there's sunshine in those flowers... and I love the syncro-seating!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Those flowers are just wonderful. That is so great, that nice train of cats. Well done. You all have a terrific day.

  4. All the flowers are beautiful. Have a wonderful 4th of July, I will return on Wednesday. Happy weekend.

  5. A lovely YELLOW Flower Friday! Your Mom did a fun job with Pizap. Frisco and Mia are darling! There is truly something to be said for planting in pots! Our hosta are big and happy but it won't be long before the deer eat them!!!!!!

  6. Beautiful flowers.....and beautiful YOU! We love the photo of your niece and nephew!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  7. Frisco and Mia should take their show on the road! We're jealous of all your beautiful flowers, Madi.

  8. flounder fryday wishez two ewe madi, mia N frisco !!! de flowerz iz lookin awesum N we hope de chippeez stay a way frum de onez in potz......tell mom de food gurl had hostaz in potz N de bass terd chippee eated em....tell her ta sprinkle a wee amountz oh babee powder on de leevez N de mulch......troo lee....helpz keep out critterz ~ ♥♥☺☺

  9. Love the kitties' synchronised sleeping on their train...MOL! And your mom is very clever getting your shadow in as well. Hurray for flowers!

  10. What beautiful hostas Madi, but not as beautiful as you are in the first picture!
    Arty & Jakey

  11. looks like team cuteness is synchronized perfectly.. and yes, I love that field of flowers Hosta Lavista Baby. MOL MOL

  12. You look quite lovely in your garden, Miss M. Even if it is just virtual.

  13. That is a beautiful photo of you with the pretty daylilies. And your Dad always has the best pots ever. Our hostas seem to take forever to bloom - and we don't think we can blame Misty for that:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  14. So that is what those chairs are for BOL! Your mom is getting to be quite impressive with Pizap!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. You look beautiful surrounded by pretty yellow flowers, Madi!

  16. Your niece and nephew are cuties. Beautiful flowers. XO

  17. You look very pretty in yellow sweet Madi!

  18. I wish more of my daylilies would bloom at the same time. My hostas are also blooming and have gotten so big! I love them. Those are gorgeous. ♥ Do you get to play with Mia and Frisco?

  19. Your niece and nephew sure display some great dangle technique.

  20. The deer have eaten all of our hostas. The mom thinks she'll try potting one in a pot now.

  21. you are ALWAYS purty gurl! I do loves the yellow blooms with your furs ~ it brings out your whiskers! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  22. We like the Hosta in a pot! We never would have thought of that. Something has been eating one of ours.
    We love the pic of your niece and nephew!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi