I thank Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday
I Thank My BRYAN for taking me on a short trip Thursday December 1, to show me this beautiful display in Cary, NC. The parrot sculpture is huge.
It sits in the courtyard of The Fidelity Bank and Trust Company
I would love to tell you more about this beautiful display. Gigi Google usually has some information but not this time. Maybe since it is new they are working on an info page.
My Bryan told me they were not there on
November 23rd.
Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy
at Two Spoiled Cats

Thank you to Angel Sammy for finding the best photos that always inspire us.
In true K9 fashion
I follow my nose
Where it goes
Nobuddy NOs
Nos compasses, nos rulers
It makes nos sense
It's mission
is to follow the scents