My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Symmetry Saturday

This beautiful plant stand is by our friend's front door.


Friday, June 30, 2023

Feline Friday, FFF and Nature Friday hosted by Kat

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Dearest Auntie HiC
It is I, Kat.  Today I would share with our friends a
   video Mom has been working on 

 it will be today's FFF in video form

Please click here for rulz and to visit YAM's blog

First we have a few words.

We are all extremely grateful for the kindness, concern, & compassion shown by everyone during our difficult time. Thank you❣️
We all miss our Pup...was our protector and watch Pup.

It’s very quiet on The Hill these days, and we all miss our Pup terribly. The Peeps have never lived in the house without the sound of dog paws on these old hardwood floors.
Pup is the 3rd doggo to cross The🌈 Bridge since my arrival in 2018. It never gets easier & they always take a piece of our heart. 💔

Please enjoy Pup’s story (again).
From a stray found in the middle of the road, to a deeply loved member of our family

❤️ Kat

Dear Kat and Mom,
Thank you for making this video.
Lovingly a very Proud Auntie HiC

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thoroughly Thankful and Poetic Thursday #125

  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is today's inspiration   

The power of a Mom is a mystery.
With the wiggle of her nose,
this mom magically
Leashed her son
and lickety split she
turned the back pack to
a Poodle Pack


Hi all I did so miss everyone and will try to catch up on your news.
I am thankful for your friendship and you very kind 
wishes for a wonderful trip.

Happy to report we had a lovely visit with our friends.
We are thankful for them, for the hospitality they extend to us each year. 
 For good food, good fun, and another visit full of 
memories we made.  
Pictures were taken that will be shared
In the meantime,  
My view from their sunroom each morning while I had my first cup of coffee.

Our friends have a gazillion daylilies

Monday, June 26, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Serene Sunday

 While on an EMW, I enjoyed watching the sun peep thru the tall pines