Today I'm pawticipating in New Final Fiction Friday
in a nutshell no page 87 phrases nor is it a link....Just find an image from your files and
tell a story.
Observations from the Sky lounge
By Angel Madi
When I came to live at Manor Madi, back in the good old days of 2002. Life was simple, I ate, played and mostly SLEPT 18 hour a day. My time was my own, my only job was to be cute, purr, do lots of blinky blinks and every so often snooopervise house hold projects. If I had known, being the subject the old gray mare's (TOGM) flashy beast was a requirement, I would have set stricter ground rules for my staff.
Fast forward to 2009 when we started our blog. I heard Mom tell
Dad she had to have pictures.....because surely she had nothing to say that would be interesting. When I say that out loud I get the giggles. Mom was born talking
and would talk to a telephone pole.
Mom aka TOGM became a snapping fool. Many times when Dad and I were trying to chillAX, we often joked that if we were still too long we'd be the subject of her foolery. No place was scared or off limits. She moved fast for an old gray mare.
I had way too many photos taken with 'bed head' and that is serious when you have hair all over your body. I quickly learned to sleep with one eye open.
It was obvious Mom loved blogging and I either had to get on board or
find a hidey hole!

That was out of the question...she knew every crook and cranny in the house.
It is a good thing I packed
tons of patience and learned to make the best of
the situation and only had to holler
at TOGM a few times.
Ooops got run just hear the dinner bell in the Sky Lounge.
Never fear I'm always around and will probably pop in again
on FFF
Hugs Madi your BFFF
WAIT take a coffee/tea/potty break there is M O R E!!!!
Feline Friday..there is a Feline hiding indoors!
Saturday October 19, 2019 we had a happy accident while having lunch at Seaboard Cafe.
The American Wildlife Refuge, which is our area's only fully volunteer raptor center had two booths set up
with owls and Black Vulture all recuperated from injuries but cannot be released due to permanent damage to
either claws or wings.
I didn't hear the black vulture's name but he was quite dignified.
Gray face, beak and feet...which accentuated his shiny black feathers
Very very pretty face and soulful eyes...which I did not expect.
Forest a Barred Owl knew how to work the crowd..
he made sure to turn his head all 360 degrees several times.
Click-Clack, the female Barred Owl in the back
She was shaking her tail feathers at us
Feline Friday with Kat
Kap Kat checking in from
Mom is reading all the wonderful, supportive blog comments, (thank you Furiends❤️), while we’re tootling down the highway. I must admit, I’m feeling quite proud of myself for adjusting so well to gypsy life.
My new motto: Have Litter Box, Will Travel! 😹😹😹
Our Meowissippi Camp site where we stayed two nights
I’m always on an extension leash while we’re moving; safety first. 😺
This how I roll. Teeheehee
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
Dearest Nephew Kap. Kat...stick your furry chest out and shout your new motto out loud and proud!!
It is said cats are either bush dwellers(aka they like to be low) or tree dwellers (they like to be high).
You are surely enjoying your loft with a ever changing view!!!
Roll on Kap. Kat Roll On!!
Lovingly your Aunty HiC