My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Happy Trails Tuesday

Sunday morning at ~10:30 am Kat, Pup and Staff
departed home on an adventure of a lifetime (for Kat and Pup) the staff has made the trip numerous times.
They traveled 270 on Sunday to a campground in Alabama where they spent Sunday and Monday nights.
We had severe storm predictions for Monday into Tuesday for the South so they stayed put.

Now I present Kap. Kat reporting from the best seat aka Kat Kubby Kompatment

Dearest Aunty HiC!!!
Well, we’ve made it to the great state of Alabama, home of our beloved Crimson Tide.

Mom says Pup and I act like we’ve been RV-ing  all our lives! 😹

Do you see me? 

 I’m riding wearing  my collar and leash, but not in carrier. 
Peep eye Pup

All this riding makes me sleepy. 😻
❤️  Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew....................aka King Kat of the Road!!
I am so so so proud of you I'm twerking and that is a BIG deal for your  Aging Aunty. OMCs.  
Bless you itty bitty kitty heart!!! Sweet Home Alabama INDEED.
I spy Pup's Head too
Loving your Aunty HiC

More tales from the trail on Thursday!!!


  1. love the road sign!!! and with such a canine gps you can never lose da directions!

  2. LET THE ADVENTURE CONTINUE! YAY! Sounds like things are just as they should be in the moveable home.

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Those are very important jobs that the two of you have, Kat and Pup! Have fun!

  4. And you didn't howl? At all?? Perhaps you have a better place to stay than I did...

    Miaow from Miss Oswin

  5. Hari OM
    OMC, that is just the best news!!! WTG Pup and Kat. Hugs wags whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. mol...bol...and lol.... video of the twerking please :)

    congrats Kat on conquering your RV fears

  7. This is so exciting.
    And that's before we heard about Aunty HiC twerking...

  8. It looks like Pup and Kat are having a good time on their trip.

  9. Wow, Kat, you definitely snagged the best seat in the house! Er, RV.

  10. Tall Tales of Tails from the Trails! bring it on!!!! I am loving these post and am truly HAPPY that all is going well in the RV... plus my sides are hurting from my minds eye view of YOU TWERKING

  11. Oh Kat, that's totally amazing, amazing, amazing and we're very proud of you and your RV supervising skills! We're a bit jealous too!

  12. Kat, you've got wonderful adventures ahead for you!

  13. I'm so happy that things are working out on your trip. I knew they would. The peeps know what to do to acclimate you to the trip. Very smart.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug to your Auntie. ♥

  14. When you have a long ride sleeping is a great way to pass the time.

  15. We're so happy Kat is doing so well on the trip!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Yay!! Sounds like Kaptain Kat is learning to love the road!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  17. Looks like they are having fun :) XO

  18. Kat has certainly taken to RVing like a duck to wa……. maybe that's not a good example. He is the epitome of chilled!

  19. guyz....ewe bee doin way better N uz....we canna get in de car N haz it bak outta de garage with out yellin like panzeez ~~~~~~~~~ :) 3♥☺☺

  20. I love seeing Capt. Kat just laid back having his cuppa! Everyone looks alert (!!!) and ready to help!

  21. Excellent job supervising, you two. Humans really are lost without their furry furriends to watch over them.

  22. How cool that Kat and Pup get to travel. Looks like they’re doing it in style. :)

  23. How wonderful is that! You and Pup are already seasoned travelers!
    Mabel & Hilda

  24. WooooHooooo!!!! OMD, you guys are calmer than I am when riding in my truck! I likes to whine and bark and gets all excited! I even tear up what ever is in my reach...roll of paper towels, kleenex, books...ya knows, the essentials Ma keeps in there. she is always squeals with delight when she sees my work! Maybe you guys can do the same?! Ooops, gotta go, Ma is comin'.....
    Ruby ♥

  25. Wowzers! Kat goes in an RV! That is so exciting. And Pup looks like the perfect RV dog. I can’t wait to hear more!!!!!!

  26. So tickled this is working out! That is a relaxed Kat. That is a great place to observe all that goes on within the RV. Keep an eye on Staff and Pup!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi