GizmoGeodog Outdoor/Woodsman Guide
of all Mayor Madi let me tell you that I’m all happy ears and tail today.I was
so honored to be named your official Outdoor/Woodsman Guide and absolutely
jumping out of my furs to be interviewed by you.
1. Please introduce yourself(selves), tell us your age and a
very special trait.
Gizmo Geodog, and I’m a 5 year old Border Terrier. I’m unstripped, so most
people don’t know what breed I am, but
Momz and I both think that my “scruffy” style expresses my personality. My
“Gotcha Day” is October 11, but my Barkday is some time in July.
“thing” is being a geodog and showing all my furriends how much fun they can
have geocaching. Momz last dog Bruno was her first geodog and I got to visit my
first cache the day after Momz brought me home. I love to write about my
geocaching adventures on my blog and encourage all my friends to give it a try.
is a a great sport where you get to go out on walks and trails and find
containers that other folks have hidden using a GPS. Momz handles all the
technical stuff and I use my nose. Furriends who want to learn more can visit
2. If you had and alter ego, who would you like to be and why
I am
so happy being myself that I can’t imagine being another fur…I have a great
home and Momz and me have wonderful adventures and I always have fun
3. What do you like best/least about where you live
I like most is that we have lots of wild places nearby with great trails that I
can explore…That’s what makes me the perfect choice to be your Outdoor/Woodmans Guide. What I like least is
that it gets very hot in the Summertime so we have to limit our outdoors time.
4. Who are some peeps/furiends you'd like to meet and why
5. If you could give one piece of random advice what would it
have fun! That’s my motto and what I live by…I find fun in everything I do…
6. What do you do for fun
I make everything fun…I’m a very happy dog and love meeting new people and
going places with my Momz and I wake up every morning just knowing that my day
will be fun. Geocaching and hiking are my favorite things to do.
7. What is the first thing you do each morning
I give Momz a quick face-cleaning then it’s outside to pee, then we go for a
morning walk
8. What is the first thing you notice about a new furiend
I notice their scent…It is very impawtant that they smell like a furriend…Next
I check to see if their tail is wagging and if they want to play
9. Tell us how you came to live in your family and how you got
your name.
Momz adopted me from the Polk county Animal Control Shelter about a month after
her Bruno went over the Rainbow Bridge. You can read the whole story here and see a picture of me on the first day I came to
my furever home. When we got home from the shelter Momz wasn’t sure what to
call me…The baddies who left me at the Shelter had called me Lance (?!?) but
Momz knew that wouldn’t do at all. I was kind of curled up and scared. She
started saying different words and when she said the word Gizmo I liked it and
lifted my head and perked up my ears…That did it…I became Gizmo and then I
earned my official Geodog title.
10. What is your absolute favorite food
my favorite food is…food! BOL! Really, I’m pretty much an omnivore…I like meats
and veggies and even some fruits and of course cheeses and yogurt. But I guess
that salmon and alligator are my very favorites.
BONUS: GIZMO Mom and I never heard of
GeoCaching until we met you. It is most interesting hobby and certainly
one you excel at...please explain it to us, how you got started and how often
you pawticipate and well anything you want to tell us about it.
There’s a geocache right across the street from our house so
Momz took me over there the day after she brought me home and I found it. Now I
have my very own cache at our house, so folks can come by and meet me. If they
can’t find the cache I can show them where it is. I have my own travel bug tag
so my new pals can log that they’ve met me. Momz and I have gone on geocaching
trips all over Florida. We’ve gone to lots of events where I get to make new
friends. My favorite trips were the ones to the Ocala and Osceola National
Forests. We get to go Jeeping there and I get to be a real wild dog in the
woods and find lots of caches. My real claim to fame is that I’ve found a 5/5
cache which is the very hardest kind, and requires a boat to complete. It took
two whole days and we had to bushwhack for over 15 miles through swamps and cow
pastures with no trails at all, just our GPS. At the end of the second day we
had to take a boat ride to an island to find the cache. It wa my first boat
trip and I did great. Lately Momz & I have been going out night caching to
get in some extra walks after the sun goes down. I think the very best thing
that geocaching has done for me is that I hosted my very own event and raffle
and raised over $500.00 for the Polk County Animal Control Shelter where Momz
found me.
If you haven't met Gizmo, click here to visit this handsome dude!!