My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday Funnies

This made me giggle on Thanksgiving Morning.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Nature and Feline Friday

I'm participating
Hosted by my Niece Rosy, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey and their Assistant Momma

We recently saw this beautiful steel sculpture on the lawn of
Diamonds Direct at Crabtree Valley Mall.  When the rain finally stopped last Friday
we went by for a photo shoot.

 My husband is 5'11" so this will give you an idea of the size of the Rhinoceros Sculpture in memory of Sudan a northern white Rhino

I hope you all can read this plaque that stands by the sculpture of Sudan
it states that he was the last male northern white rhinoceros of his subspecies.....
I had no idea of the plight of this amazing creature out in his natural habitat.
Reading this left me with so many questions.  I do hope and pray the remaining 2 females
are pregnant and I'm thankful they are being guarded.
I would 100% rather see these beautiful animals out in Nature where they belong;
however, now it seems they need the protection of fenced in wildlife preserves
or large Zoological Parks.

As we were admiring it and reading one of the employees told us the owner of Diamonds 
Direct is going to buy the sculpture.  

Click here to hop over

Feline Friday

My friend, Janice, has been watching this most loving Mama cat
raise her kittens in her back yard.  Janice has no idea where they came from...
just magically appeared.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanks Blogville Hop and Poetry

First and foremost we Thank my niece Rosy, Mayor Arty, Professor Jakey and
their Mom for hosting this hop

I'm telling you what I'm thankful for using the letters of Thankful

Big Happy 47th Birthday to our favorite
son-in-law and cat dad to Mia and Frisco

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

Sweet Cheeks
Eyes of blue,hair of green
Sweet Cheeks is my
dream guy
and about this I don't lie!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

WoW Wedesday

Last week we received our December issue of

There were mouth watering pictures of beautiful food.
We were especially drawn to the recipes using fresh cranberries.
In all my years of cooking, I have NEVER made anything with fresh cranberries.
Honestly, I don't recall seeing fresh cranberries in the grocery stores until
20+ years ago.  I just never thought cooking with them until
Last week.

My better half (aka B) and I made Cranberry-Apple Crisp.
He is an expert at peeling and slicing.  I'm kinda haphazard at both.
Neither are my favorite to do. LOL


1/2 cup unsalted butter (cubed and placed in freezer)
(I had salted so I used it)*
1 pound Honeycrisp apples (I'm sure your favorite apple would be fine)
they should be cored and peeled
1 pound fresh cranberries
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup sugar (I used just a wee bit less apples were  sweet)
1/2 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt* (I used salted butter so did not add salt)
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup chopped pecans (we had walnuts so I used them)

Preheat oven to 350 degree F, grease a 8 1/2" x 12" casserole dish
Cut apples into quarters and slice into bite size cubes. Place apples and cranberries 
in grease dish. Pour 1/4 cup water over apples and berries.

In a food processor, combine the sugars, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt and flour.
Pulse until combined.
Remove butter cubes from freezer and add to flour mixture.
Pulse until flour mixture resembles pea size crumbles.
this photo taken after frozen butter was added.

Sprinkle flour topping over fruit and top with chopped nuts.

Cover Dish with foil bake for 30 minutes covered,
Uncover bake for 30 additional minutes.

Fresh out of the oven

Cool before serving.
I might also ADD I wish you could fully enjoy this with your sense of smell too.

Recipe w/o pictures in case you want to copy and paste

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday technicolor Tale

Nothing good comes from boredom. It's said that idle hands are the devil's workshop.

This is an old saying dating at least as far back as Chaucer in the twelfth century who called idle hands the devil's tools.

The devil would be bored here.  My hands are on the move.

I have been crocheting for 87 years and I have at least 87 balls of
leftover yarn from various projects.  I don't throw anything away.
I decided to do a bit of tidying up.  I organized all the yarn into 
like (techni)colors.  Grabbed my size J hook got busy.
The variegated center was one ball of yarn,
gold another ball until I got toward the end where I found a surprise, more variegated
yarn.  Green was another ball, now I'm on Navy, 5 1/2 balls of  leftover yarn all together
make quite a masterpiece. LOL 
Very fall-ish creation of recycle, reuse, repurpose yarn.

This pattern is a continuous granny square.
I was able to complete 2 1/2 rows with navy 
One pattern row with charcoal and the border!!
It is a perfect size of a child's bed or a lap blanket.
It is folded in the below picture

I will donate it to Project Linus.
Click here to read about this most wonderful group

This is my second Linus project.  

As you can see it has a wild color scheme.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Awww Monday Mustard Spark FFF reminder

Today I am pawticipating in

They are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Awww shucks, I'm a MUSTARD snob...there I've said it.
There are many things I'll buy that are grocery store brand but
Mustard and Ketchup MUST(ard) Be Heinz!!

One of my pet peeves is when anyone anywhere puts something back in the wrong place.
Especially at the grocery store.  
Recently it was time to stock up on my condiments.  I reached from my 
bottle of Mustard.  A few days later we are having burgers. I opened my new mustard 
only there was a surprise.  I DON'T eat hot spicy especially with Jalapeno's.  If I do I 
will get an instant mouth sore.  Obviously someone Must(ard) put this back in the 
Yellow Mustard section.  It was already opened.  My husband said no don't I'll try it.
So we kept it I have "WARM" written in red on the white top!!
Granted the label on the Jalapeno bottle has a green edge on it but I didn't notice.
I will next time!!

November 30, is the last Friday in November....if you wanna have fun and work on your crea8tive writing join us!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Serene Sunday and Plates

Same view (l) cloudy day (r) Serene Sunny Day

3. GOTT-5
4. BRADY12
May a fan of Quarterback Tom Brady
5. WRK4PEACE, Work for Peace
6. OFF2SOCCR, Off to soccer
8. SKINSGIRL, Redskins fan
9.BLEDPURPL, Bleed Purple???
10. DAISYGIL, Daisy Girl
11. IPASTEL, Paints or draws with Pastel
12. CNUK???
13. CRE8, Create
Marshall University in W. Va are the Thundering Herd
16. AKHWY, Alaska Highway
17. TRTLMIST, Turtle Mist???
18. FELINER...My kinda plate
19. #HOWIROE..hashtag something or other, lol
20. FYNEART, Fine Art
21. SKIVAIL, Ski Vail
22. YENS!D, Yensid??
24.LUVZEPP, Led Zepplin Fan
25. AU911, on Porsche 911
26. KISS24/7
28. CHIPSWIP, Chip Swipe
29.  LUSEAL??
30. CA OH NC, They have lived in 
California, Ohio and North Carolina
32. ROBNSEGG, Robin's Egg
34. X-ANTS???? 
YAM-Aunty you will never be my X Ant...😍