This is Charlie. He lives on our street. I have not met him; however, everytime
Mom takes a walk she comes back talking about Charlie. He stays in the house
unless his peeps are in the yard. Mom just happened to have her camera today.
When he sees Mom coming he gently walks up to her for a head rub.
His coat is absolutely like silk.
Mom says she has never heard him bark.
She beleives he is some type of bird dog?? Any thoughts??
that he was a rescue from the SPCA. The original
(bad) owners told the SPCA he was ill behaved.
That is a BIG FAT LIE, (that is how Mom talks when she is mad) shame on them.
The folks at the SPCA said he was one of the best
The folks at the SPCA said he was one of the best
dogs they ever took into the Shelter

very handsome today and thanks him for
coming up to greet her'.
Bye Charlie Mom will see you soon.