My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Foyer Focus

Hu-MUM  to Kat and Dakota thanks you all 87 times for your lovely comments yesterday.
She tried unsuccessfully to leave a comment thanking you all


This is the corner of the foyer. This three legged table belonged to my mother in law.
I always loved and am so happy it it in our home now.
This corner is where lots of souvenirs from our travels and others travel live.
The picture above the table is from my brother in law's trip to Egypt.
picture on the left is original, right is sepia tones from lunapic

close up of some of the will see a few cats there.

left is original, right is kaleidoscope effect from Lunapic
Interesting the kaleidoscope effect did not pick up the cats or the ducks.  

Friday, January 11, 2019

Nature and Furry Friend Friday.

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

My nephew Kat lives with two big wolfies, Buddy the Black Lab and Dakota the Golden Retriever 
joined Kat and their HU-MUM for a walk in the beautiful Nature that surrounds
their Mountain home....and the Sun was finally shining and the temps were in the 60's.

After her walkabout Dakota, went to the SPA...
her Hu-Mum bathed her then she sat out in the sun to air dry her golden
curls. If you want to have golden wavy furs like Dakota, she recommends:  Mane n' Tail Shampoo.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Below is this week's inspiration

Oh No(se)
My plan was to be a nutty professor
Oh No(se)
Instead I'm a nutty hoarder
Oh No(se)
Not only have I lost my head,
I'm missing a toe
I must think hard, is this how I want it to goes
Oh No(se) I want to be a boss man
That is my plan!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Total in Jar and...Secret Lives of Letters K and L

Breaking News...Grand total for money found will walking in 2018

Congrats to Jackie,  Mum of Angels Eric and Flynn as of 10 pm last night.  Her guess was 

$.29 cents shy of the correct total!!

November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
I and J can be found by clicking here

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday Tale

Five days a week we walk at least 45 minutes  between 8 am and 9:30 am.  
We do our walking at Crabtree Valley Mall
about 2 miles from home  (as the crow flies).  Depending on the weather, if it is above
40 degrees in winter and below 75 (with out humidity) in the summer, we'll walk outside around the mall, through the parking lots and trails.  The mall doesn't open until 10 am.

The wise ones say walking is good for your health
We find that it is  not only healthy, it will make you wealthy. 
and often you can **help your those around you.

**During 2018, while walking, I found three bank debt cards in the parking lots on different days. 
 I am amazed at how careless folks are with these cards.
Each one from one of the three banks in the mall area. We turned them into the banks
right a 9 am. On New Year's Eve day about 8 am,  I saw an object in an empty parking spot that looked like a small pocket book calendar.  I almost walked passed it but decided to pick it up.
When I turned it over, I was shocked to see it was Passport from Mexico.
I opened it to check dates.  Expiration date was April 21, 2020. The owner had
filled in her name, local address and phone number.  We took it to the mall office immediately.
If the owner had already realized it was missing, I know she was frantic.

Mostly what we find is lots of coins and some times paper money.  We put in a huge jar. At the end of the year take the jar to the bank to use their automatic counter.  I thought I'd give you all a chance to 
guess how much money we found this year.  Below is a photo of the jar.
Note there is a $1.00, $5.00 and $10.00 bill.  All found in empty lots early in the morning.
So you have a head start it is more than $16.00.

We'll be taking the Jar to the bank sometime in the next few days.
I'll let you know the total.

Moral to this story is two fold:
1. be careful with your debt cards don't just stick them in the top of your pocketbook or in your pants  pockets.  If you have to have your passport with you at all times, put it somewhere safe.
2.  keep your nose to the ground when walking there are treasures to be found.


Monday, January 7, 2019


It is my

Yep I was born January 7, 1949.  
I have been asking myself how that happened.  LOL

7 is my favorite number.
 I'm eager to see with my 70th year has in store for me!!

Today I'd like to share 7   0 things I have learned over the years:

S:(Always wear) Sensible shoes
E: Everything in moderation 
V: Victories no matter if they are  big or small celebrate them with zest and glee
E:Enjoy the simple pleasures of life: Chocolate, Coffee, Pasta 
N:Never underestimate the value of friendships...they get you thru thick and thin
T:Talk lots but LISTEN more
Y:Years be thankful for each one they made you who you are

Zero tolerance for any kind of abuse!!!!!!!

The making of Me
Top row: For your viewing pleasure 
It appears from the top two photos I 
was a born ham and well balanced.  I could touch my head and foot a the same.

2nd Row left, I can't remember why I am in a formal at age 9.
I'm in the middle my maternal grandmother aka 
Annie Ma on my right, my paternal grandmother on my left
2nd Row: middle photo I'm still practicing my hand/foot coordination.  I was an angel in Christmas Program.
2nd row: Junior in high school.  How many of your remember the
flip hair style.  Took a ton of bobby pins to get the curls.
Then you had to brush like crazy to get the flip and use hair spray.

Bottom Row:  We were in Parrot Land in Florida...good
thing I had been practicing my balance and arm coordination
1 parrot on my head, 2 on each arm

How I plan to spend my 70th bday
Today my better half is taking me out to breakfast at First Watch
We will pick up my Baskin Robbins Bday cake late morning...I might have a slice for lunch
I am a member of Milton's Pizza's birthday club.  They sent me a coupon for a free lunch or supper.  We are going there tonight.  

I will show you my cake tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Historic Oakwood Homes Part III

Happy Sunday House Selfies...
if you missed Part I of Historic Oakwood Click here
Part II of Historic Oakwood Click here

Below is the front view of the home on the left side of the collage above.  
The porch wraps around about 3/4 of the home.