My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Historic Oakwood Part 1 and Wordless Wednesday

On Saturday December 8th (before the blizzard of December 2018) hubby took me 
on a photo shoot to see the homes that would be in the 47th Annual Candlelight Tour.
It was cold and overcast and little did we know what December 9th had in store for us.
I expect the 2nd day of the tour was cancelled.

Here is the first few lines for the write up about the Tour, December 8 and 9th, 2018
1:00 PM-7 PM both days.
There's a feeling of a small town community right in the middle of downtown Raleigh. Historic Oakwood is a community of homes most of which are dated from the mid- 1800s to the early 1900s. There's a continuing effort to preserve the Victorian, Queen Anne and Craftsman architectural styles of these homes from a century ago. The immaculate care of the exterior of a home is only a prelude to the beauty and attention to detail given to the interiors.

The next few days I'll feature some of the homes. Oakwood covers
several street we didn't go on all of them. I love all the colors and architecture and turrets.

There was no way to get all of this giant Magnolia in one photo
On left side of collage above is the front of the yellow home
lower collage on left is the side and that isn't all of it.



  1. What beautiful homes - I love that Victorian architecture! It's one of the things I most love about driving around in New England. Nice you got your tour of homes in before the GREAT BLIZZARD OF 2018!!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. Those surel look like some great houses.Love the yellow one. Great pictures. You all have a great day.

  3. Hari OM
    I love this type of house - what a gorgeous array (though I'd be calling that yellow one a mansion and less so a cottage!!!) YAM xx

  4. Those houses are spectacular! hahaha, what a hairy dog......

  5. OH MY , I did not know KAT lives with two beautiful BIG dogs.. Buddy and Big Boy might share a few mutual genes.... I would love to visit that part of town on a sunny day and walk up and down the sidewalks drooling at those homes. they are gorgeous and the type I love most of all..... glad you went the day before the blizzard

  6. Gorgeous! I grew up in a neighborhood and a house from that era (on the east coast - almost nothing out here is that old). Your photos sent me back down memory lane. I cannot wait to see the insides of the homes!!

  7. I would have loved to see these in person. I love to tour old homes and never miss the opportunity.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥

  8. Those are beautiful homes. Did you get to go inside any of them? It looks like Dakota has left just a little floof behind.

  9. We have those pretty gingerbread houses in our new town too! There's a tour called the Gingerbread Trail every year!

  10. That sure looks like a pretty place to snoop around!

  11. Raleigh definitely has some gorgeous, historic homes.

  12. I love old homes like this and am so excited to see the others. They look like they are straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie.

  13. Beautiful photos. I would love to tour those homes. XO

  14. The hubby and I love old houses, especially restored, like the ones we saw in the oldest section of Ft. Wayne, IN over Christmas. Hope you had a good Christmas.

  15. Love those old homes and I also took part in wordless wednesday.
    Coffee is on

  16. Beautiful homes indeed!!! Mom would love to live in a Victorian house just for the wraparound porches:) We think those are Kit's dogs Mom wishes she would blog again.

    Our Texans are at the airport waiting since 3:30 to go home. Bad weather in Dallas. Mom is pretty sure she is going to have to go back to pick them up until tomorrow. It is not looking good.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Love seeing old homes - went on a tour here in Pocatello of older homes quite a few years ago
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. I'm also a big fan of older architecture...these are beauties!
    Of course Buddy and Dakota are also pretty beautiful!

  19. These houses are really beautiful! My human loves all these vintage styles.

  20. Kat has some BIG siblings! Love old homes but I wouldn't want to have to keep one up. CH grew up in a home similar to the one of the bottom right. Lovely pictures!

  21. I love the style of these big old victorian houses!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi