My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

These effects are from the edit feature right on my computer.

Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants have changed their blog name
it is Living Loving and Barking in our Backyard

If you are pawticipating in our blog hop Sunday here is the link
on their menu bar you'll see a tab for their hippty hoppty page

Friday, March 9, 2018

Flower Friday: March

Today we are finally able to join Rosy SassyPants for....

 Our daffodills started popping thru the pine straw the week after February Flower Friday
This is our first one to have a bud
 then to burst open with glorious yellow others are popping thru all over the as of February 18.

We were worried about our lovely red Camellia due to the very very cold 10 days we had in January.but ooooh Cammie the Camellia didn't let us down.  
This is the view we have coming out of the front door
 and there are just as many ravishingly red blooms on the front.

Jewel Orchid from Gigi Google to show you the beautiful leaves

I've always wanted an orchid..actually had one years ago that I "loved to death".
February 24, 2018 I saw this Jewel Orchid at Logan's Trading Company.
I didn't write the following paragraph but it is exactly what happened to me.

Click link below to read all about them.

Jewel Orchid Care

This is a story of the little jewel orchid that grew up to be a champion. I first saw my little Ludisia Discolor on the out of bloom table at a local floral nursery. It was after the holidays, after the normal blooming season for Ludisia here in the Mid Atlantic area and the nursery was clearing out the extra orchid stock that had not sold.Velvet-soft burgundy striped leaves caught my attention out of the corner of my eye and I walked over to have a look.
Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses

Toxic Principles: Non-toxic
Here are a few photos of our Jewel Orchid with 2 bloom stalks.
One stalk is blooming the other isn't far behind.

OMCs is mom Happy she says it looks just like an orchid  (MOL I reminded her it was an ORCHID
Look at all the blooms about to open

Sissy and BIL will be arriving today at about 3:30 pm.  We'll be off line once they arrive but 
back bright and early on Saturday


Friends, It is I, Madison D. Cat, with a grand announcement....

I would like to invite you to pawticipate in a ROAD TRIP hop to 
celebrate my 16 birthday.   I will be 16, on Sunday, March 11th.  

Please feel free to snag this photo to use you can make it smaller or larger.

here is a slightly smaller  photo

We thought it would be fun to have all my friends tell about learning to drive: if your parents taught you, if you went to driver's ed and the fun or not so fun things that might have happened.  Another idea would be to 
tell about a road trip that stands out in your mind as memorable, good or bad or funny.
  Doesn't have to be long.
We would love to have you all join us to celebrate my 16th.
Mama of Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants will set up a blog hop for us.
The hop will be set up and ready for you to pre-post on March 1, 2018.  You may reach it by 
Living Laughing and Barking in our Backyard
LLB in our Backyard
NEW blog address::::::

clicking here and looking for Road Trip.  

It is the 3rd hop on the hippty hop page
It will begin at 12 am on March 11 and run thru 12 am on March 12.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

This was a very hilarious picture!!

What are you?
by Petey the Primate and Madi the Diva

You are not a banana of this I am certain.
I wandered into a room full of smells, sights and lots of lights
There you were all alone behind a curtain.
As I picked you up to give you a taste,
The humans all ran with haste 
I thought to myself no time to waste 
Over my shoulder you did rest, up the tree I scurried.
I held you with care as I studied you closely, after all there was no hurry.
The humans all stood below the tree looking up at me.
They offered me 'nanners, and fruit and even curry.
Climbing limb to limb, swinging vine to vine.  
I became very merry. 
 I realized you were mine
til the end of time.

Also so this photo reminded mom of something Dad used to say to
my human sis when she was a wee lass.   It always made her giggle too.
If you meet my sis, don't tell her I told you this, and she could not pronounce Monkey
she called the monkmees

He said monkey see, monkey do monkey named Marlu.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wordless Wednesday


Friends, It is I, Madison D. Cat, with a grand announcement....

I would like to invite you to pawticipate in a ROAD TRIP hop to 
celebrate my 16 birthday.   I will be 16, on Sunday, March 11th.  

Please feel free to snag this photo to use you can make it smaller or larger.

here is a slightly smaller  photo

We thought it would be fun to have all my friends tell about learning to drive: if your parents taught you, if you went to driver's ed and the fun or not so fun things that might have happened.  Another idea would be to 
tell about a road trip that stands out in your mind as memorable, good or bad or funny.
  Doesn't have to be long.
We would love to have you all join us to celebrate my 16th.
Mama of Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants will set up a blog hop for us.
The hop will be set up and ready for you to pre-post on March 1, 2018.  You may reach it by 
clicking here and looking for Road Trip.  
It is the 3rd hop on the hippty hop page
It will begin at 12 am on March 11 and run thru 12 am on March 12.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday tasty tale

Waste not, want not*
is a proverb
if you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance, you will never be in need.

G'day friends...OMCs do we have something yummy to share.
my Bud Dr. Szabo advising mom to try either plain or vanilla yogurt or canned 
pumpkin to see it it would help my tummy.  
Harris Teeter is just a hop, skip, and a jump from Manor Manor so off mom hopped skipped and jumped.
YAY the Activa Probiotic Yogurt 4 pack was 1/2 price and the Libby's canned pumpkin was on sale too. YES MOM IS always on the look out for a deal.
VERYYYYYYYYYYYYY long story short I gave mom my back of disrespect with yogurt and pumpkin.  Nope this kitty wasn't having either.  Mom really tries not to be wasteful*.
She loves Activa yogurt; however, NEVER buys plain or vanilla, always buys peach, blueberry or strawberry (12 at a time). She was pretty sure the vanilla would be too sweet but GLORY BE
she likes it.  WooHoo  Mom was thrilled it would not be wasted.
Now she has an entire can of pumpkin...of course she could make her famous pumpkin bread but she really didn't want to have to buy lots of extra stuff just to keep from wasting one the pumpkin
Thanks to GiGi Google mom found a 2 ingredient pumpkin muffin recipe.
All she needed to buy was 1 box of Spice Cake, it was on sale too.

Our goal is to always be helpful.  If your humans find themselves with
an extra can of pumpkin, here is the recipe.

Two Ingredient Pumpkin Muffins
makes 12 muffins

1 box spice cake mix (mom bought Duncan Hines)
1- 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling)
spray muffin pan well or you may use liners.  We used PAM spray

1.Preheat oven to 325
2. Stir together spice cake and can of pumpkin. Only use 15 or 16 oz.
(I mixed in a bowl by hand then with an hand mixer to be sure all is well mixed)
3. Chocolate chips to taste optional (we didn't use any)
4. Bake 18-20 minutes until toothpick or cake tester comes out clean.

I was a tad skeptical about the recipe having no liquid.  Pumpkin was all that was needed.  
The muffins were very moist and delicious.  Mix will be a tad lumpy as you can see by the picture.

Spice cake mix 1.42, can of pumpkin 1.29= 12 muffins for $2.71. One muffin at a bakery is usually $2.50 or more.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday Sparks

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

A few weeks ago Mom bought a  new pocketbook.  She loves
the Relic brand and always buys the same style.  When she changes from
an old Relic to a new Relic everything goes in the same place.
This year the Relic had a saying in it that is purrfect for a Monday Sparks

Label sewn inside reads,
"Throw Kindness around like Confetti"

Mom also ALWAYS moves her Angel Greta, Idaho Pug Ranch, Breast Cancer Awareness Pin to each new pocketbock.

I'm throwing kindness like confetti today


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Cat on My head for Teddy

Teddy from one spoiled cat is celebrating his 2nd Birthday today
He asked all his friends to pawticipate in Cat on My head in honor of this day.

Teddy thid is Moi standing on my head
And sitting by Mom's Head