My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday tasty tale

Waste not, want not*
is a proverb
if you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance, you will never be in need.

G'day friends...OMCs do we have something yummy to share.
my Bud Dr. Szabo advising mom to try either plain or vanilla yogurt or canned 
pumpkin to see it it would help my tummy.  
Harris Teeter is just a hop, skip, and a jump from Manor Manor so off mom hopped skipped and jumped.
YAY the Activa Probiotic Yogurt 4 pack was 1/2 price and the Libby's canned pumpkin was on sale too. YES MOM IS always on the look out for a deal.
VERYYYYYYYYYYYYY long story short I gave mom my back of disrespect with yogurt and pumpkin.  Nope this kitty wasn't having either.  Mom really tries not to be wasteful*.
She loves Activa yogurt; however, NEVER buys plain or vanilla, always buys peach, blueberry or strawberry (12 at a time). She was pretty sure the vanilla would be too sweet but GLORY BE
she likes it.  WooHoo  Mom was thrilled it would not be wasted.
Now she has an entire can of pumpkin...of course she could make her famous pumpkin bread but she really didn't want to have to buy lots of extra stuff just to keep from wasting one the pumpkin
Thanks to GiGi Google mom found a 2 ingredient pumpkin muffin recipe.
All she needed to buy was 1 box of Spice Cake, it was on sale too.

Our goal is to always be helpful.  If your humans find themselves with
an extra can of pumpkin, here is the recipe.

Two Ingredient Pumpkin Muffins
makes 12 muffins

1 box spice cake mix (mom bought Duncan Hines)
1- 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling)
spray muffin pan well or you may use liners.  We used PAM spray

1.Preheat oven to 325
2. Stir together spice cake and can of pumpkin. Only use 15 or 16 oz.
(I mixed in a bowl by hand then with an hand mixer to be sure all is well mixed)
3. Chocolate chips to taste optional (we didn't use any)
4. Bake 18-20 minutes until toothpick or cake tester comes out clean.

I was a tad skeptical about the recipe having no liquid.  Pumpkin was all that was needed.  
The muffins were very moist and delicious.  Mix will be a tad lumpy as you can see by the picture.

Spice cake mix 1.42, can of pumpkin 1.29= 12 muffins for $2.71. One muffin at a bakery is usually $2.50 or more.


  1. that's a super tasty recipe!!! and it is a super idea not to waste that vanilla yogurt. Sadly my dad confused the packs once and he bought it with dried plums... we had to waste it because that activa activated some body functions to the max...

  2. Like Mom, Gail hates to waste food, but she's not sure it's even possible to buy canned pumpkin in the UK, so it's unlikely to be a problem in this household!
    Toodle pip! Bertie.

  3. Too bad you don't like pumpkin or yogurt, Madi - I love both. That recipe for pumpkin spice muffins made my human's mouth water!

  4. She tried to give you yoghurt?? Some two-leggers really don't have a clue do they? But, hopefully she will find something else for your tummy.

    Miss Oswin from Norway

    PS: Mara says those muffins look fantastic

  5. Those pumpkin muffins sound yummy!

  6. You have both me and mom drooling, Madi. Your pumpkin muffins look delicious!

  7. Wow, Pumpkin muffins sounds so yummy. Bet they were so tasty. Sorry Madi wouldn't eat any of it. You all have a great day.

  8. I think pumpkin muffins with buttah sound pretty dang good right now! I am addicted to Oui Vanila yogurt! Good Morning Madi and Mom!

  9. I understand sweet Madi. None of us here will eat pumpkin or yogurt!

  10. alas, i am not allowed to eat any of this, other than the can pumpkin plain. it would not go to waste here, Jake eats 3 spoon of canned pumpkin for breakfast every day, all of our dogs have done that. sorry to hear you turned your cute nose up at the pumpkin. maybe a piece of muffin would work. i can't eat that yougurt either. alas no sugar for the madsnapper

  11. Great recipe. I have those 2 items in my pantry right now.

  12. That looks tasty, but I can't believe you turned down yogurt AND pumpkin!! We get yogurt every morning with our breakfast, and pumpkin is tasty!

  13. Hari OM
    Plain yoghurt - especially Greek-style - is my fave! What is more, angels Jade and Jasper loved it too. Referring Bertie's comment, I spotted canned pumpkin at a major supermarket recently (in the 'foreign foods' aisle!), but I prefer fresh. You might like to let mum know I make pumpkin scones (think you call them biscuits); 2 cups flour, pinch of salt and baking soda, rub a bit of butter in, add an equal quantity each of mashed pumpkin and plain or flavoured yoghurt (the vanilla would be fine!) to make a soft, rollable dough. Roll to half an inch thick and divide or use cutter for as many as you wish to the size you wish. Bake at 350'F for about 15 mins (keep an eye on them!). Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. ....oops, in my conversion from celcius to fahrenheit I was short - that should read 400'F for the oven... Yxx

  14. I would eat all those things in a New York minute! Yum! I hope your tummy feel better soon.

  15. We mixed the canned pumpkin into Chuck and Angel's food, starting off with a wee little amount, then increasing over time. They ate it!

  16. Kali had a sour stomach for quite awhile because of her allergy to commercial catfood, so I gave her pumpkin. She loved it and it worked just great. Those muffins sound glorious. Thanks Madi and mom.


  17. Madi, we can't believe you don't like the yogurt or pumpkin. We get PLAIN nonfat yogurt in our morning kibble every day and it is what we gobble up first. And then we get pumpkin with our dinner and that is really delicious. Your Mom was very good and made great use of your rejections:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. We would have eaten that yoghurt AND the pumpkin!

  19. We love pumpkin! Mom gets us a kibble that has pumpkin in it! And we have made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies using that very recipe plus the chocolate chips!
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. madi.....faaaaaaaaaaaa.....if yur mom had said her waz gonna bake ewe sum COOKEEZ ......yea......

    tell mom ta mix it soooper well with yur canned goodz
    sew it doez knot stinx; both yougurt and pumpkin...that mite help ~ !!♥♥

  21. Bear wouldn't eat either too. The first couple times, he didn't mind vegetables (like pumpkin) in wet food ... but now he refuses to eat wet food with vegetable in it. Because of that, I haven't even tried just pumpkin. GO FIGURE! You show 'em, Madi!

  22. Madi you should try it. We love pumpkin and yogurt and it is good for you.

  23. Your loss, Madi, is your Mom's gain. Hope your tummy and all is doing better.

  24. We're with you on the yogurt(except for Arty, he LOVES yogurt), but we all love does Mama who may try that nommy recipe your Mama shared!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  25. We don’t like pumpkin either, Madi...and we only like vanilla yogurt. Glad the pumpkin didn’t go to waste.

  26. That sounds like a tasty recipe. Did you get to taste the muffins?

  27. At least the yogurt and pumpkin are still USEFUL in your household thanks to your Mom and her new recipe! We like how easy peasy it is.....and we also think that she might try you on that yogurt again.....Angel Sammy loved yogurt - plain yogurt - for the longest time before he decided he was ready to experiment with baby food!

    Hugs, Teddy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi