My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 7, 2022

Feline 'Tocktober' and Nature Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

For Feline Friday I will show you some Tocktober photos of my precious Madi

Madi's tocks in da tic tok


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thoroughly poetic Thursday #89

    Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

at Two Spoiled Cats

Today's photo prompt is

At age five she was our tiny dancer.
She took tap, jazz and ballet
Her wonderful teacher would say
First position, second position 
knees bent, "pliés and push the floor away"  *.

She twirled she jumped and she pranced.

She squealed with glee when she learned 
she would be a Christmas mouse in the recital.
The costume was an adorable head band with mouse ears,
 light gray leotard with a very long
mouse tail that was quite bouncy, pink tights and ballet slippers. 
 As she practiced at home, she sang lines from the music'
"Scurry Scurry little mousey". 
When the girls scurried, they had to put their hands up to the chin and run on their toes. 
My mind's eye can still see my little mousey scurrying

*this was the term the teacher used for 4 and 5 year old classes when she wanted the to slightly jump up.

I have a darling picture of the 4 and 5 year old class in their costumes but I cannot find it.  So I'll leave you with this....

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wordless (almost) Wednesday


Thanks to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

This is photo was taken in the lobby of Healthtrax a fitness club we recently joined.

I wanted to touch the rocks to see if the were real; however, that would not have been HEALTHY!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Happy Tuesday


Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Seen on an early morning walk. I have my camera and my phone when I walk.  I might need a ruler too

This yard art made me smile

Monday, October 3, 2022

Awww Monday and Sparks from my Nephews

 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus 

My precious nephews, Kat, Pup and Rocky sent me this email and adorable video:

Mom believes all furbabies are the best anti-depressant❣️
It’s been a rough week for our friends in Florida & along the SE Atlantic coast. You’ve been in our thoughts & prayers. 🙏
Hope this makes everyone smile!😻

Sound up please
watch for the smack down

❤️ Kat, Pup,  & Rocky 

 Mom says this purrr-fect. 

When I’m feeling 

low all I have to do is watch my cats 

and my courage returns. 

Charles Bukowski

Mom wants to find this print for the 
powder room. Isn’t it great?😹
I love the print, if mom finds it please ask her to sent me the link. Sis and BIL of Angel Madi would love it.

Dearest Kat, Pup and Rocky

MOL MOL MOL don't touch me and that voice is hilarious!!!
You were successful.  Auntie HiC giggled and smile great big Cheshire cat smiles.   
I love the verse and you kind words for the stressful few days too. 
Lovingly your devoted Auntie HiC

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Serene Sunday

 Outside garden at Cedar Creek Gallery

This lovely urn would have looked BEAUTIFUL on our porch.  But it was heavy in weight and dollars

You know me and pops of color these were calling my name.

We bought two glass pumpkins