"Paws in motion, are cause for Commotion"
Prancing Paws Puggy hostesses, Stella Rose and Maggie Mae welcome all to Dancing 101 aka Anything Goes
we have 2 rules...
Dance like nobody is watching!!
Shake won't break
Here at Prancing Paws we believe you learn best by may I encourage
to leave your inhibitions tucked in your coat pocket, get your paws tapping and your tushes wagging it is time to get this dance studio hopping....
It is I, your instructor,
Do you like my Sandy from Grease look!!
I sure do hope I don't have to make a quick trip to the litter box in these tighter than skin pants. |
A dance studio is only as good as it musicians.
All the dancers, Pocket and Riversong and I, Madi, would like to thank
Alabama Boy Kai on Sax
Kai says he learned all he knows from his musical Dad TG.
and talented bros from Louisiana,
Piano Man Pierre and Bass Man Bentley!!!
In case of any injuries, Nurse Addi is on call and promises to kiss your pain away
OMCs Riversong do you think Teacher Madi will be twerking in leather?
Pocket, who knows but today is sure to be entertaining!! |
First up Mayor Arty and his marvelous Mabel wanted to learn the dance of
OMCs Mabel look at your pug legs Mayor Arty I think you've been visiting the gym look at those guns
Tango is a partner dance that originated in the 1880s along the River Plate, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay, and soon spread to the rest of the world.
Now there has to be a little elegance in all events such as
Princess Leah and Sir Chester waltzing to
Moonlight Serenade under the moon and stars they so love
Next up...Ernie the Attorney and his Foxy lady Roxy doing none other than the
Fox Trot
The foxtrot is a smooth, progressive dance characterized by long, continuous flowing movements across the dance floor. It is danced to big band (usually vocal) music.
Quick Step
I suggested they learn this dance because Louis is light on his feet and 'well'
Cricket is quick on her feet. Purrfect combo for this newly dating couple
The quickstep is a light-hearted member of the standard ballroom dances. The movement of the dance is fast and powerfully flowing and sprinkled with syncopations. The upbeat melodies that quickstep is danced to make it suitable for both formal and informal events
Mazie and Wyatt doing the Pasodoble
They were so light on their feet and quick to find the purrfect
outfits for this dance.
Paso Doble, (meaning double-step in Spanish) is a Spanish light music, with a binary rhythm and moderated movement, probably based in typical Spanish dances of the 16th century.
Siberian Folk Dance
Misty and Lightning put in a special request these lessons.
Traditional Russian folk dance is as broad and diverse as the nation itself. While most foreigners identify traditional Russian dance with the stomping and and knee bending characteristic of Eastern Slavic dance styles, many forget about traditions of dance that originated from Turkic, Uralic, Mongolic and Caucasian peoples who are also native to Russia.
Great group dances an so much fun
Electric Slide
These K9s have their groove on: Murphy and Stanley said the dance they wanted to learn was Electric Slide Cause their Jessie and Ruby were live wires. MOLMOL Ruby's ear is surely
The Electric Slide is a smooth, dynamic disco-style dance that you can enjoy performing at clubs, weddings, and other social events.
Here we have Abby and Frankie
In honor of Abby's newly appointed pawsition as Chef of Blogville
I taught them how to do
The Mash Potato
The Mashed Potato is a dance move which was a popular dance craze of 1962. The dance move was made famous by James Brown and used in his concerts regularly. It was danced to songs such as Dee Dee Sharp's "Mashed Potato Time". The move vaguely resembles that of the twist, by Sharp's fellow Philadelphian Chubby Checker.
The Lindy hop
The purrfect dance for two hip Kits
Phoebe and her Purrince..this is their first dance too
Ohhh thank goodness this studio is judgement free.
K9's can kick up K-oss too
The Lindy hop is an American dance that evolved in Harlem, New York City, in the 1920s and 1930s and originally evolved with the jazz music of that time. It was very popular during the Swing era of the late 1930s and early 1940s.
The Limbo
Bilbo you have been hiding your talents WTG!
The Limbo
Jinx just how low will PeggySue go?
The Polka
Siblings Hailey and Phod
Polka is defined as a vivacious couple dance of Bohemian origin in duple time; was a basic pattern of hop-step-close-step; a lively Bohemian dance tune in 2/4 time. The polka was originally a Czech peasant dance, developed in Eastern Bohemia (now part of Czechoslovakia).
Tapping Sensations
Simon and Joanie have such poise and OMCs Joanie
you are very limber!!
Knowing how quick Millie is on her feet
I signed her up for tap!!
Who knew her legs were sooooooooooooo long!
Hazel and Oreo have happy agile feets and balance
Clogging is a type of folk dance in which the dancer's footwear is used percussively by striking the heel, the toe, or both against a floor or each other to create audible rhythms, usually to the downbeat with the heel keeping the rhythm.
Two Step
a round dance with a sliding step in march or polka time.
Dory and Mr. Bailey can boot scoot booging with like pros!!
Toby and Penny two stepping in some fine looking boots
Millie and BobbieSue
They are doing a combo of the two step and electric slide
The Bird/Chicken Dance.
Be ready to duck as Kismet and Sarge come flying in doing The Bird.
Of course Kismet was an expert. As you can see from the photo Kismet
taught mom and Sarge a few special ways to flap their wings.
The "Chicken Dance", also known as the Birdie Song or the Chicken Song, is an oom-pah song and its associated fad dance is now a contemporary dance throughout the Western world. The song was composed by accordion (Handharmonika) player Werner Thomas from Davos, Switzerland, in the 1950s.
Saucy Somba
My sweet cakes and special love Raz and I had no idea we had rhythm
nor did I know my knee could bend like that.
Break Dancing
Just so you all know....
Sarge has some serious moves he taught me more than I taught him
Marty was born to break dance....everybuddy knows kits land on their feets
WTG Sam you can break dance with your hat on!!
Hokey Pokey
OMCs did I have fun teaching Madison and Tegan this fun dance
Put your paws in the air, now wave to the right that is how you do the....
You put your feets out and shake all about...
That is how you do the hokey pokey
Bee Boop Boogey
Misty and Da Phenny
Bella from DownUnder and her Fella Sweet William
Are bee booping champion Scotties
My goodness was I surprised at how quickly Christmas and Noodle learned to do
basic ballet toe stands. Who would have thought a Dachshund and a Pug had such
balance!! Bravo
Golly Miss Molly is teaching here baby Brudder Mackie to Ice Dance
in their yard.
Twerking for all ages
Bertie by best WFT K9 furiend kindly agreed to
pawticipate in my Twerking Demo...
Mom aka TOGM said she would chaperone so that
Addi and Raz would not get upset!!
OMCs little did I know we were all so acrobatic nor that we could multitask
In honor of mom, Raz and I learned this dance all by ourselves.
It is from mom's favorite movie
Now for we'd like to recognize all the musicians and dancers
for without them Prancing Paws Dance Studio would have been
nothing but a pile of wood on the floor!!
Appaws for the talented and handsome house band
Appaws for the dancers!!
Now don't forget there are all kinds of things going on over at
Mayor Arty's. He and his Huggy Puggy Mabel are hosting the
Youth Room
Mayor's Emertius Murphy and Stanley are hosting all kinds of fun
activities at their abode
Oreo has everyone jumping at maybe he'll give you a cookie too
OUR NEW Chef Abby has her food truck parked here
If we missed including someone we'd eyes got so crossed from doing
pizap etc she could not tell kits, from kritters from k9s.