My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, March 16, 2019

My mind's eye had a party

This photo was one of those happy accidents I discovered when I 
loaded pictures from my camera to my desktop.
Taken in Morehead City.  
What a peaceful photo..

I decided to play with it a bit

Top original again
Middle I cropped out the cars
Bottom I rotated the middle

Top house reflection rotated now the water is the sky

Friday, March 15, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Saturday March 9 we had a happy accident while having lunch at Seaboard Cafe.
The American Wildlife Refuge, which is our area's only fully volunteer raptor center had two booths set up
with owls!!
Click here to read about their efforts

2 Great Horned Owls on the top:
Left is Miss Virginia we were told she is actually larger than Rasputin on the right.
Miss Virginia in entering her brooding stage thus she is all hunkered down.
Rasputin had the most amazing eyes.  I think he was reading my mind.
Golden eyed owls
Their prey is usually killed instantly when grasped by the owl's large, curved talons. Great Horned Owls are mainly nocturnal (meaning they hunt at night), but they also hunt during the day in the wintertime. They eat rodents, hares, squirrels, skunks, various birds such as geese, grouse, ducks and pigeons.

Forest the Barred Owl in both of these photos.  He had a buddy with him but due to
the way the tent was set up I could not get a photo of him.
They have dark eyes
Though they do most of their hunting right after sunset and during the night, sometimes they feed during the dayBarred Owls may temporarily store their prey in a nest, in the crook of a branch, or at the top of a snag. They swallow small prey whole and large prey in pieces, eating the head first and then the body
Forest has an orange beak.

None of the four we saw can be released due injuries.
Miss Virginia has a dislocated killer claw (kinda like our thumb).  She cannot grasp prey
Rasputin has a wing injury.
By the time we arrived at the Barred Owl tent it was a big too crowded to hear any details on
their injuries


My Nephew Kat and exchange emails daily...

Dearest Aunty HiC and Uncle B:
I’m trying my best to take my afternoon nap, and Hu-Mum will NOT turn off the light.
I’ve been forced to cover my eyes with my paws. Will you please have a word with her about this? My Kat-Naps are a very important part of my day. 😼 Thank you.
❤️ Kat,  Your (tired) Feline Nephew

I Replied:

Dearest Tired Nephew:
OHHHHHHHHHH MY CATS..  obviously Hu-mum is not in her right mind; did she fall landing on her head?  

Did you hear Uncle and I squealing w delight.  We absolutely love your precious white paws!  Maybe you can catch up on some lost sleep this weekend!!
Loving your Aunty HiC and Uncle B


My nephew KAT's latest email...

Guess what!?! I have lots of new friends because Hu-Mum (Mom)  started a Twitter account for Me-Ow. It’s kind of like a bloggie, but shorter posts.  🙀
❤️ Kat Your Feline Twitter Nephew 

I don't tweet but I think this is his account infor

Kit's Kat@KitsKat4

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial inspiration

Baby it's cold....

She said, truth be told,
my hands are cold...
He said, don't fret
give me your hand to hold
She said, my dress is wet...
He said don't fret
We'll go inside, sit by the fire.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday shirt Tale

Recently, I took my portable Singer sewing machine out of the closest.
Dusted off my sewing table, set up the table and unpacked the machine.
I'm happy to report it still sings like a Singer too, even after years of neglect by me.
I have been sewing since I was about 9. Annie Ma (maternal grandmother) 
had seven children.  First five were two to three years apart.  There was a gap of about six years.  

When she was 42 and 44, surprise she had #s  six and seven,  my Aunt Ruth and my Mom was the seventh.  Annie Ma never had time to teach her daughters to sew.  I'm told, when they were young, she would look at dresses in the store windows, go home cut patterns out of newspaper and make dresses.  My cousin Carol and I were the only granddaughters who inherited 
Annie Ma's sewing DNA.
My formal sewing instruction started in ninth grade.  I signed up for Home Economics.
It was probably one of the best decisions of my teen years.  None of my friends were particularly interested.  Miss Kilby, my teacher, was fresh out of college and an eager beaver to teach.
I cannot tell you how very very much I learned in Home Ec. I looked forward to every class and I also became her teacher's assistant.
I took Home Ec all four years of high school.  I won several awards including my 
senior year when I made my prom dress.  I made most of my daughter's clothes up
until she was six.  I retired from sewing and went back to work full time.
I've made a  few things over the years most bathrobes for myself and my daughter.
Blankets for my parents, and decorative pillows and simple curtains.

I've been noticing some darling tops in the store windows... I knew I could make them with one eye closed and less expensive......I thought. LOL I have not  bought patterns or fabric in years.
I found the perfect pattern by McCalls #7359 (pictured below).
It is just a pattern for four variations of this top.  Dang pattern was $19.99.  Last time I bought a 
pattern it was 2.99.  Only Vogue was expensive back then, maybe about 10.99.

I was still in shock over the pattern; however, I looked at fabric, found two bolts  of very nice quality fabric in a pretty spring lavender print  and a contrasting color.  One was $11.99 and one $15.99 a yard I needed 1 1/8 yards of both. I nearly fainted right there in Jo Ann's.  The pattern and the fabric would have $55.00 plus tax.
Granted I could have found cheaper fabric but I was still struggling with paying $19.99 for the pattern.
 I LEFT empty handed and much wiser.  Thanks to GiGi Google I found this exact pattern being offered by several folks on eBay but they were used.  I found one unused for for $7.99. Checked put in my shopping cart lickety split.  The pattern will be here next week. 
In the meantime, I learned that Super Walmart still has a fabric department.
I'll be checking it out for fabric.....

This story will be continued..............

Monday, March 11, 2019

Today is Angel Madi's first bday OTRB....

This is not a sad post, this is in celebration of all the friends we met, the events and celebrations over the years.   We were honored to participate in each and all the friends we met along the way...were AMAZING!!  You all are delightful and made all of Madi's 16 1/2 years very very special. 

Below I'm posting a flashback of Madi's 8th Bday and first bday celebration  on our Blog and her 16th March 11, 2018.

Madi's first birthday in Blovgille
 March 11, 2010 is Madi's 8th Birthday....

Please celebrate with us!!!!

Thank goodness over the last 8 years Mom has learned how to take  photos of this
Diva...and she follows me everywhere. It is rare that she is wordless too.  

Happy Birthday baby girl and thank you for the joy, fun, adventure and love you give us.
Mom and Dad

Madi's 16th and last Bday in Blogville

March 11, 2018
Madi's Sweet 16 was especially fun...well unless you were up on this roof working.

Today in honor of my sweet 16 birthday we are having a blog hop.
We thank Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy Sassypants Mama for setting it up for us.

I'm 16 and I'm taking Driver's do you think I'm doing so far.
Honestly I did exactly what my instructor told me to do.
I turned left but I migh've been a wee bit heavy pawed on the gas.?!

Mom found this poem in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lovin' Our cats. It describes Moi purrfectly.
It was written for a male cat. Mom changed it to fit this Diva.

Under her Spell


Tami Sandlin
I can feel her watching me
Through golden eyes, unblinking
And I can't help but wonder
Just what it is she is thinking.
I know her habits, I know her ways
But her moods are hard to tell
The only thing I know for sure is
She knows I'm under her spell
For eating she has claimed my nicest dish
To nap, my favorite chair
And anytime I want to sit,
She is comfortably resting there.
For play, she's got expensive toys
To chase and romp and caper
But still she is only happy with
A balled-up piece of paper!
She is always begging for attention
To be scratched beneath her chin
And when my writing takes me away from her
She steals my writing pen!
Despite our unique relationship
People ask "Just who owns who?"
It's really nice to have someone
To look forward to come home to.
And so, I stay enchanted with
This crazy pet of mine
For nothing keeps you spellbound
Like a furry finicky feline.

Her Star shines furever bright.  We miss her but feel 
her presence all over the house.  Each room has cherished memories and she
filled our hearts with unconditional love (well on our part). 
In true Diva form, Madi had CONDITIONS that had to be met every day of 
her 16 1/2 years and we were honored to meet them.
Happy 17th Mads

Madison D Cat

March 11, 2002-September 13, 2018

Our Diva Angel

Madi and I were all about fun so I leave you with 
one of Madi's Sparks
At the time I took the photo I didn't notice that the sun's reflection
was shaped like a heart

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Easy Selfie Sunday

There are two flowering plants I'd love to be able to successfully raise
African Violets and Orchids...
I  have had African Violets bloom.....if I buy them when they are blooming
I once had a faux pas (hybrid) orchid of some kind that was labeled low maintenance.
It had about 6 buds ready to burst open.
They did...then it died.
Below is what I want...

Audio Selfie

A recent email from KAT with audio

Dearest Aunty HiC
My favorite time of day is right before bedtime. Hu-Mum and I spend time loving and cuddling together. She’s my best friend. Can you hear me purring with delight? 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Be sure to turn up your volume

Positive spin in Daylight savings time
My friend Janice received a text from her son RE: DST
It read: "On a positive note, when we move our clocks ahead an hour tonight we lose an hour of rain"!
This weekend was our 5th straight weekend with rain.