My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Caturday human art!!

My friends,Grant and Kathy, are artists
Kathy sketches  and Grant carves from her sketches 
They are just starting on another very very exciting project a Baldwin Train Engine!!

This is their latest piece of exquisite hand sketched then hand carved art...

Lighthouse *Relief carving

*Relief carving is a type of wood carving in which figures are carved in a flat panel of wood. The figures project only slightly from the background rather than standing freely.

I have their permission to show this  here is the explanation of 
how it was done

We took a photo of the painting, on the side of Tony's Bait Shop, enlarged it and then sketched from there to make a pattern. Also used a postcard that showed the lighthouse keepers house. All of those buildings to the right of the lighthouse are gone, due to weather. Just the lighthouse remains and the stand for the oil tower, little building next to it.  This was a scene from the past on the Oregon Coast!!!

I say standing ovation and WELLLLLLLL DONE Webbs

Below is a photo taken in Historic Oakwood

Friday, February 15, 2019

Nature,Feline and Final Friday Reminder

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Some lovely mish mash from around the 'hood which has several spicy named streets
Basil, Bayberry, then there is Cello, Pastille, Bramblewood, Ainsley
These red berries are all over the.  I think it is Nandina
Last week Nephew Kat sent me this email and video

Hu-Mum and I took a long walk this afternoon. It was so warm, I got hot in my harness. She’s looking for a cooler one for me. I told her to make sure I’ll look as handsome as I do in this one. Teeheehee! Hope you enjoyed the purr-fect weather, too. 😻
❤️ Kat, Your Feline Nephew 

The video is adorable, (you might have to paste and cut to see it)...just like my Nephew Kat.

I replied....oh my cats.  Who is walking whom is my question

Kat is such a funny guy he sent me this cartoon to answer my question.
It is about walking K9s and Felines


February 22,one week from today!! ....if you wanna have fun and work on your crea8tive writing join us! Give it a try we all have a story in us and no one

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Thoroughly Poetic Valentine's Day Secret Lives of V

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial inspiration

Heart of gold!
Pastel colors and twinkling stars.
A mother's tight hold on her child
make this day a sight to behold.

My Mind's Eye thought the gold took on a heart shape
because of the way the ladies' head is angled.

November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
can be found by clicking here

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tasty Wednesday and Dr. Seuss PSA

We treat ourselves to breakfast at Panera every Friday.
Our favorites a toasted Asiago Bagel and Orange Scone.

Recently Panera cut the size of their scones in half and raised the price almost a dollar more a scone!!😱  Needless to say, we have not had a scone since this happened.  Last week I went on line looking for an orange scone recipe.  Lo and behold I found one from a lady who had the same beef as we did about the decrease in size and increase in price.  She calls it Copycat Panera Orange Scone Recipe.  
I had most of the ingredients just needed some vanilla extract so I decided to give it a try.  Below is a photo of my very successful Copycat Panera Orange Scone Recipe.
She even tells one how to make them bigger or smaller with the same amount of ingredients.
I made 12, we tried two and they are delicious.  The orange glaze is better than Panera's. I froze 6 to be used over the next few weeks.  Unless we turn in to PIGGIES, I will probably freeze a few more.  Not counting prep time or 15 minutes of cooking at 425 degrees.  The price of 12 was
~.80 cents each as opposed to 2.99 each for 1/2 the size.
Win Win. 😺😉

I was told this link is acting up...I've attached the recipe at the end.

Did you hear about Dr. Seuss Day on March 2nd?

Yes it is true
no need to be blue
Dr. Seuss is coming to see you!

Feel free to snag a badge

There are multiple hostesses and hosts





For smaller scones divide the dough into three 5" circles

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

MyMe and Secret lives of Letters: U

Last week I introduced a new idea for some blog post...
I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your blogs. Often your post put
pictures/memories in "My Mind's Eye" which in turns give me a blog post.
As you know, I'm still working on my own voice here.

Every so often I'll post about things from
My Mind's Eye aka MyMe
Recently on Caturday art the Kitties and Puppies at Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs
had a darling photo of little girl riding a tecnhicolor Fisher and Price tricycle.

My Mind's Eye went back to Christmas 1972 and this photo of our daughter who 16 months old.
As you can see from the photo her her 4 wheeler was a wee bit too large to straddle w/o help.
But she quickly grew into it.

Fast forward to  the  fall of 1973 we moved from our apartment to our first house.
By then she had master the art of 4 wheeling; however, the area to ride around the apartment was
limited.  Our new home was on the corner. In front of the house was blocks and blocks of level sidewalk.  By the time she was about 3  she rode with mach speed with the streamers blowing wind. We had another sidewalk beside our house.  It started out level then went down hill fast.
After many many months of begging to ride there, (yes she was a dare devil) she and her Daddy came to an agreement.  He would carry the 4 wheeler down the sidewalk, about 1/2 a block to where it was level, then she could ride the rest of the way.  She insisted on trying to ride up the hill. She quickly realized  it was literally an up hill battle.  Her Daddy offered to carry the 4 wheeler while she walked.
All of a sudden he was carrying her and the 4 wheeler.
She said Daddy, "this is a heavy hill and a steep Marlu"!!


November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
S and T can be found by clicking here

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sparks and Awww Monday: All about your heart

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Today I am pawticipating in
Click here to see more adorable Awww

I'm sure this photo of my nephew Kat will make your heart sing....

Many long time bloggers might remember Kat's Hu-Mum as Ms. Kit from the Dog Daze Blog
Starring Sassy, Buddy and Zack.  Sassy and Zack are Angels now.
Kat has 2 K9 siblings Buddy and Dakota
Ms. Kit she was also my mentor.  Encouraging me to jump in to the blogging world.
Gracie the Highlander has a check up this morning way on the other side of the county
I will be MIA for a while

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Selfie

As we were walking around Oakwood last Tuesday, we saw these little kitties watching the
world go by.

OMDs I thank Molly the Airedale and her mom for finding the  link to an inside view the 2.2 million dollar house from yesterday.
Click here 
Then click on 25 in the bottom right hand corner