Today in honor of my sweet 16 birthday we are having a blog hop.
We thank
Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy Sassypants Mama for setting it up for us.
I thank Ann at Zoolatry for my beautiful Header.
I'm 16 and I'm taking Driver's do you think I'm doing so far.
Honestly I did exactly what my instructor told me to do.
I turned left but I migh've been a wee bit heavy pawed on the gas.?!
Mom found this poem in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lovin' Our cats. It describes Moi purrfectly.
It was written for a male cat. Mom changed it to fit this Diva.
Under her Spell
Tami Sandlin
I can feel her watching me
Through golden eyes, unblinking
And I can't help but wonder
Just what it is she is thinking.
I know her habits, I know her ways
But her moods are hard to tell
The only thing I know for sure is
She knows I'm under her spell
For eating she has claimed my nicest dish
To nap, my favorite chair
And anytime I want to sit,
She is comfortably resting there.
For play, she's got expensive toys
To chase and romp and caper
But still she is only happy with
A balled-up piece of paper!
She is always begging for attention
To be scratched beneath her chin
And when my writing takes me away from her
She steals my writing pen!
Despite our unique relationship
People ask "Just who owns who?"
It's really nice to have someone
To look forward to come home to.
And so, I stay enchanted with
This crazy pet of mine
For nothing keeps you spellbound
Like a furry finicky feline.
I am not the first girl to turn 16 in this house. Lo and behold my Sis aka Big M as dad called her for a very long time, turned 16 here too. So I send Big M aka Human sissy a big thanks for all she taught them.
Sissy (on the left) and her bestie Kathy holding their
Sweet 16 tshirts. They both
had all the same friends so their shared their 16th bday at
Pizza Hut. Sissy's bday is August 28 and Kathy's September 5
We feel the need for speed!!! NOT!!! |
A grand time was had by all.....after the 16th party is
where our Driving story began a year before.
Sis(l), Kathy (r)
Today I will share a story about my sis learning to drive.
Sis got her learner's permit shortly after her 15th birthday in
August of 1986. Every weekend and holiday from that day forward
Dad took Sis to parking lots to practice her driving. He set up little fun
obstacles for her too. Mom went also but she sat in the back seat ...but she never
did any back driving because Dad was a EXCELLENT teacher. As sis became
accustomed to driving and judging distances, they started driving around residential
areas on the weekend and finally on city roads and the beltline.
Sis was a really good driver.
At the beginning of 1987, Sis started making a deal with mom about
what she wanted to do on August 28, 1987 after she passed her
driving test....yep she was quite confident she would pass.
On August 28th, Mom drove Sis to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
for her driving test. The DMV office was half way between home
and where Mom worked. Sis's asked mom if she would let her drive Mom to work
KEEP the car for the day to do some errands during the day. Mom agreed to this deal,
'cause she was pretty sure Sis would forget. The joke was on Mom.
Sis had a memory like an Elephant and her breaths smelled like peanuts.
Sis PASSED with flying colors and mom kept her promise.
Mom said watching sis drive out of the parking lot ALONE that day
was the scariest and proudest moment of her 16 years as a Mom. She was confident in sis
but it was all the other crazies on the road that worried her. Mom watched her for as long
as she could see her. Sis promised to call mom when she got home from her errands to let her
know she was SAFE. The people in Mom's office said mom was a nervous wreck until
Sis called to let her know she was home. When it was time for Sis to come back for Mom,
it was rush hour. Mom paced the floor and kept looking out the window.
Lo and behold sis arrived on time and drove mom home in the very busy traffic
and as they say the rest is history!!!!!
I would like to thank
Pipo, Dalton and Petcretary Ingrid for this beautiful card!!
Great big thank yous to Zoey, Dougie Dog and Miss Ann at Zoolatry for my hot pink wheels!!
Zoooom Zoooom
Thank you Phod and Precious for taking a trip out to the black
top to pose for this birthday card...
Thank you Emma and Hailey for posing with the top down as traveled down the road.
Thank you Angel Sammy, Teddy Butterbean and Mom Pam for this lovely card.
Thank you to my Huggy Puggies Hazel and Mabel
Thank you Marvelous Marv
thank you Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants
From my Guy Raz
Thank you to all my furry friends at ATCAD
thank you to Marg's Furries
thank you Cody and Dakota and Mom
thank you Wyatt and Tegan
Hooray! We made it!
Come and get your salmon burger Madi!!
Happy Birthday Madi!
thank you Binky and Granny
I Madison D. Cat thank you all for stopping by today to celebrate my 16th Birthday.
It is a BIG one!! Each of you bring us joy and laughter each day and we thank you.