My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day on Caturday Art Day

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

Mom and I thank our favorite Jersey Girl, Chelle, who now lives in Florida
for this lovely photo taken in Washington Oaks State Park.

Now a little Mom art...before she was the old gray mare she used to 
cross stitch A LOT.
Above the bed where I rest is a cross stitching mom did called
It is a favorite of Mom's

In case you can't read it...Mom typed it for you.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields 
and until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I think this is a very nice place to nap and mediate

THE OLD GRAY MARE has been fighting a losing battle with
eye allergies. It all started as they walked at the mall on 3/2..
demolition to a shop was causing all kinds of debris and dust to float in the air.
They left immediately but not before adhered to her contacts.
She awoke the next day to very swollen and itchy eyes.  
She has been to the eye doc 3 times in 2 weeks.
The RX eye drops she was using ran down onto her face, she has very sensitive skin, drops caused an allergic on her face. Now she is a splotched OGM.
She has med for that now...
THUS I have given her Sunday off...but we will return on
Monday, March 19, 2018.
Hugs Madi and Splotchy
Mom discovered that baby oil feels really good to her itchy eye lids
but it makes it very hard to see. 


  1. Hari Om
    Oh dear...I had seen mum's comments elsewhere mentioning the eyes; now I know why. What a darned nuisance. POTP for early clearup. Meanwhile, that's a pretty needlework piece and a much-loved greeting! Happy St Pat's Madi. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Happy St. Catrick's Day, Madi! I hope your human's eye allergies are all better soon!

  3. So you now have a dapple grey mare in the house!
    Happy St Patrick's Day!

  4. You look lovely in your park, Miss M. We hope your mom gets better very quickly.

  5. Your poor mom, Madi. We love her cross-stitched Irish blessing!
    Happy St Patrick's Day!

  6. So sorry that the Mom is having all those eye problems. Sure hope it clears up soon. We really like that Irish Blessing. You all have a fantastic day.

  7. Madi, I thought I saw you when I was at the look lovely! Happy St. Patrick's Day....and I hope your eye gets better HiC! Lots of love and hugs, me

  8. Your poor Mom, Madi. I know you are being the best nurse she could have. But this is a timely reminder for every mim and dad out here in the CB about eye irritants that we don't think of until it is too late. XXX

  9. Love LOVE LOVE the Irish Blessing... ♥ Jersy Girl Who Now Lives in Florida clicked a lovely picture. Sorry about your Mom's eyes, Madi. That is not fun. Sending healing thoughts for her. Here they come... super express!

  10. We sure hope you Mom's eyes are better super soon sweet Madi! Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us!

  11. I can relate to the allergies and the eye allergies, so sorry all this happened. i love the falling shamrocks and have visted that park. i saw the only very large Owl i have ever seen in that park about 10 or 12 years ago. prayers for the eyes to get back to normal.

  12. Happy St. Paddy's Day! Hope your mom's eyes are on the med soon. Eye allergies and irritations are the absolute worst!

  13. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your pawrents Madi. We will cross our paws that your mom's eyes and face feel better soon.

  14. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope your mom feels better soon. XO

  15. That is a beautiful backdrop for your St. Paddy's Day card, Madi. And we love your Mom's handiwork - ours used to do some of that stuff too way back in her younger days.

    So sorry to hear about the Mom's eyes. We wonder if that debris has asbestos in it. We hope the baby oil helps a whole lot.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!

    Woos - O'Lightning, O'Misty, and O'Timber

  16. oh no poor Mom! Please give her lots of lovin' from us and we love your artwork and your poem is one of our faves! catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. We are purrin for your Mom Madi, we hope she feels better real soon.
    Happy St Patty's Day!

  18. We love your artwork. Your poor Mom! We're sending healing purrs and prayers to her.

    Happy St Patrick's Day!
    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  19. We hope Mom feels better real soon. (My Auntie Linda who lives in NC says her allergies get real bad this time of year too.)

  20. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! I hope your mum's eyes are soon feeling better.

  21. What festive art, Madi! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! And we send purrs to your mom and hope her eyes are better soon.

  22. We are sending your mom some special pug POTP and hope her eyes feel better real soon. And guess what?? Our mom cross stitches too! Right now she is working on a Christmas stocking for the youngest grandpeep (she has made one for all the grandpeeps)
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. OMD...We love all your Caturday Art today Madi...and your Mama's cross stitch Blessing is pawfect!!

    We're sending lots of POTP in hopes your Mama's eyes feel better real soon!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  24. Oh dear, me and dad are sending lots of thoughts your way in hopes those eyes clear up and get better real soon. I'm sure that's gotta be so very irritating. Love the jelly beans, by the way!

  25. What a wonderful St. Pat's Day portrait with falling shamrocks! Very cool! We're so sorry about your poor Mom's eyes but it sounds like meds and baby oil are helping and we hope she's better QUICKLY. Eye ickies are no fun....for humans OR animals! We're sending your Mom some POTP.

    Love, Teddy

  26. Jelly Bean header... cute! I had to comment this morning, didn't feel right not to. Hope your Mom's eyes are doing better. Have a good Sunday, Madi and Mom!

  27. We hope you both had a good St. Patty's Day and that the Old Gray... er, your Mom's eyes and face are doing better. How miserable she must be!

  28. Oh...eye problems are the worst! We sure do send extra POTP that your eyes get better real soon! Beautiful cross stitch! Love the blessings too! We sure hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  29. Hope your mom's eyes feel better and you had a great st. paddy's day.

  30. Madi! We love that it is raining shamrocks on you! What a great thing for St Patrick's Day! And we have our Purr motors on high for your Mom's eyes...scarey stuff.
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Mom

  31. OH NOES! I hopes your Moms eyes feel better soon...Ma gets that too! She buys saline solution for contact lenses, and flushes and flushes and flushes her eyes with it. She puts a towel right under her eyes so it doesn't make a mess. It doesn't cure it or anythings, butts it gets any gook out. Sendin' POTP to your Moms and slobbery kisses...heheheee
    Happy St. Patty's Day..late ☺
    Ruby ♥

  32. I hope you are feeling much better now Mom. I like the picture Madi.

  33. Oh my! Hope your eyes feel better, Mom!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi