My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Tuesday with my nephews and guest

Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC

 You should probably sit down before you continue reading. 😻

Mom was cleaning out her little desk today (long overdue), when she let out a big squeal of delight! 

Look what was hiding in a stack of stuff! 

Diva Madi’s fur in a baggie❣️❣️❣️

Do you remember sending this many years ago?
Mom let us smell it, and we had totally different reactions. 
One of us wanted to play with Madi’s fur, & one of us took a sniff & hid under the bed. 😹
Mom said this was a wonderful surprise, and she considers it a hidden treasure! She formed the fur into the shape of a heart, and will place it in a folder of cherished furs & whiskers. 

Often photos of Angel Madi  looked like she was black and white
She was had lush locks of glorious Charcoal Gray with white patches.

❤️ Kat & Rocky 

OMCs Auntie does not remember what prompted her to send Madi's fur. However, OMCs after seeing the adorable reactions of 
Kat and Rocky...I think 100% it was exactly the best thing ever.
Rocky did it pass your taste test I hope the gray Diva furs did not make
you sneeze. 
What precious reactions.
The heart fur gave Auntie a happy fuzzy feeling.
Thank mom for including Angel Madi
in her treaure trove of Furs and Whiskers.
Auntie HiC

Monday, July 1, 2024

Awww Monday and Sparks take 2


We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

I did not hopscotch...I had a momentary thought but quickly dismissed it.
My old lady right knee agreed with my decision too.

Today we're taking a road trip 70 miles East to have lunch with 
Favorite Sis and BIL of Angel Madi
Yes we go there lots!!!

Blogger went crazy overnight...3 comments from May 27, 2024
giving me Memorial day wishes popped up.  Followed by 2 for today July 1.
I suspect squirrels are the culprit.
I deleted first July 1 post...

  1. I used to play hopscotch, but my balance and creaky joints would rule that right out now.

  2. Mom wasn't a big "hopscotcher" as a kid, but she did play sometimes and she likes to see kids playing it now.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Selfies

Hard working multiuse  Kubota
lives at Wooten Park  from Wednesday's post
Of course the RED caught my eye.

Darlin' friends who greet us at Seaboard


 Thank you Mad Snapper
for making the star spankled art

And this