The time has come for me to join the
I was not ready and neither was
When the angels came to fly me up
into the sky,
To his Bonsai Bunny my Dad said bye,
They have walked this line 2 times
before Me.
Easy it is not no matter the number
of days.
As I crossed the bridge, so many
friends greeted me.
They all spoke at once and were full
of glee
Eager to tell me of sun puddles, boxes
and food for free.
Since the day I was born, my life has
truly been ‘heaven’ on earth.
Remember I love you. You know how
To quote my human Sis, “ I love you
two hours and a bunch”.
I bid you farewell and I end this
poem as I always have
Hugs Madi your Bfff
March 11, 2002-September 13, 2018
We thank Ann at Zoolatry 💞for capturing the Essence of Madi here in 2 different sun puddles. |
Mom here: This was so very sudden.
Dear sweet precious friends I wish I could have contacted each of you in person so that you would not have to read this very unexpected news on a Monday.
Madi has been fighting kidney disease since June 2017. It has been my goal every day since June 2017 to celebrate Madi's life. She and I were all about fun and picking on each other and most of all we were about FAMILY we found here in Blogville you all enriched our lives more than you will ever know..
Even though she was a diva she fought like a WARRIOR Princess; daily subqs, 5 kinds of medication 2 Xs a her food.. which she also took without complaining. I think you all know Madi was really and truly the apple of our eyes and loved to the moon and back. Last week it was obvious to me that she was not on top of her game, she was sleeping more than usual and I mean a deep sleep. As you remember, she was having trouble jumping up too...but we were managing all that comes with being a Senior Diva. Thursday, September 13, I could tell she was not feeling well. Of course, we had the hurricane hanging over us. I was worried she might need a Vet during that time, so I called for an appointment. The wonderful staff and Vets at Hidden Valley saw us immediately. Our vet was not there; however, we saw a wonderful vet Dr. McCormac.
When she walked in the door, her exact words were, "so this is Madi the Miracle Cat of the Clinic". She shook my hand and told me the Vet Techs and our Vet Dr. Szabo had told her so many wonderful things about Madi and her parents. This made me feel so good. I had no idea Madi was the Miracle Cat of The clinic.
Anyway we talked about the most current chain of events and of course she had Madi's extensive records. As she was giving Madi a once over, she asked, "how long has Madi had a heart murmur". I told her we were here a month ago, there was no murmur.
She explained what I should hear and what I would hear. She passed me the stethoscope. I heard what she had described.
Then she listened to Madi's was full of fluid....dear precious sweet Madi was in congestive heart failure. She told me that comes on quickly with cats without many early warning symptoms. The treatment for that is a med to reduce the fluid, it causes dehydration...and of course Madi was on Subqs to keep her from being dehydrated.
It was a double edge sword. Obviously she could not recover from this and the treatment would have sooner than later had her gasping for air. In fact, not wanting to eat was a sign...given the choice to eat or take a breath Madi was choosing to breath.
Her Dad was at home preparing for the storm...I called him he came immediately to the clinic. Dr. Mc said judging from what she could hear...Madi would not last long.
On September 13, Madi was not in any discomfort, she was not gasping for air. It was our decision to let her go while she was not in pain or suffering.
Madi was an itty bitty kitty with a GREAT BIG FUN LIFE full of adventures to places she never expected to go, doing things Cats should never do. We thank you all for sharing your lives with us and including us in all your fun.
Blogging has become an addiction and I will continue to blog on
under the name In My Mind's Eye, at this blog address
and it is yet to be decided if there were be
guest appearance from the precious little Guardian Angel's blog.
Knowing Madi, she will be like the fog, tiptoeing in and out on itty bitty kitty paws when we least expect her. It is amazing how a 7.5 lb cat can occupy every square foot of a home.
As soon as Madi's is back home, we'll have an unveiling of her permanent Diva Throne.
I am a huge Alan Jackson fan...
Sissy's Song was written by Alan after the untimely passing of a family friend.
This chorus speaks to me each time I hear it....
She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me
My guardian Angel
Soulful eyes
Our special Angel
Never EVER no NEVER forgotten
Run free baby girl....we love you two hours and a bunch Mom and Dad