My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

And now there is just Me....

Happy Wednesday my friends....
Thank you for all your lovely kind and heart felt words about Madi, who was 
my inspiration. She will continue to pawticipate in Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursdays
and be my silent partner.  Well silent as long as she approves of what is being said.

 I'm sure I have some mish mash hiding deep down that is working 
its way to the surface.  I'll be sure to share it with you as it comes up.

My intention was to blog from my personal blog My Mind's Eye but I found I cannot comment from that blog so I deleted it because it would always go back to Madi and Mom: Down home In NC
Which is still our blog address so we'll give it a go from there.
As you can see from our new header, 
Down Home In NC:
My Mind's Eye
 is our new title 
If we figure out something different, we'll be sure to keep you

In the meant time here are a few.

Top two photos:
There is a new bakery at the mall what beautiful cakes they have.
Krispy Kreme Donuts have a free standing kiosk at the mall
Don't you just love the open box with the shelves of donuts

Bottom Left:
Who in their right mind would pay $14.00 to have their sheets washed at a Dry Cleaners professionally?
I haven't been to a laundry mat in years but surely you could wash and dry several loads of laundry for $14.00.
Bottom right:
Water fountain at Logan's Trading Post.  I've been working on capturing water
dripping for years...quite proud of this one.  Here is a close up.

For anyone who didn't know Madi passed on 9/13/18 click 


  1. We thought they were selling the bed sheets and it was a good deal....but dry cleaning?

    Love the photos.

  2. I guess for peeps who spend a few thousand on sheets, they'd think that was a good thing to do. That fountain is really pretty!

  3. Hi Cecilia
    So glad to hear from you. If we can't have new pictures of Madi, then cakes are always welcome too! When I first lived in London she used a laundromat just round the corner from my home where a large wash cost less than £2 and if you paid an extra 30p (that's less than 50 cents) you could leave the washing with the woman in charge and she'd return it to you all dry and neatly folded at the end of the day!

  4. Dearest Aunty, I heard rumours of CAKE so thought I’d drop by and see what you’d found AND look..... you found CAKE and DONUTS, I might be drooling now!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Do they iron the bed sheets? My human would pay $14 for that because no way would she do that herself - in fact, she doesn't own an iron! But that would be a one-time a year thing. The rest of the time, into the washer they go!

  6. Good to see a post, Cecilia. The photo of the fountain is lovely.
    I agree that it is so hard to know what to do. When Flynn left us to join Eric I was going to stop posting to the blog but leave it as it was. I was going to redirect anyone interested in the boys from my holiday photos blog. No-one ever visits there so that wouldn't work and that was when I decided to keep a Friday Flashback post going.

  7. Hari Om
    fabulous makeover, Mrs C!!! This will do nicely. The fountain is lovely indeed. More power to your blogging dear blogpal!!! YAM xx

  8. super job on the water drops in that beautiful fountain, it truly is hard to capture them. the sheets would cost 7.00 if you did them yourself at the laundromat, I would not pay the 14 either. my niece pays 16 per month to have someone drive by their house and pick up dog poop out of their back yard. how dumb is that? I love that big donut box.

  9. Mom has only had Krispy Kreme Donuts once and she loved them because they reminded her of the ones her mom used to make and those cakes are just too pretty to eat! We agree with Yam Aunty - your blog looks wonderful!

  10. Oh Cecilia, it is sooooooooo good to see you post. The picture of the fountain is just fantastic. So true about the sheets. Anyway, hope you and Dad are doing all right. So good to see you back at the blogging.

  11. We are so, so happy to see you today and we're glad, we'd miss you way too much if you disappeared.

  12. Well Cecilia aka Mom....... I'm glad Madi set you straight about continuing to blog. I would be lost without you doing so.

    I LOVE the donut shop. Very creative idea. Great photo of the fountain.
    ya know, some people are just lazy enough to take their sheets to the dry cleaner
    Beautiful cakes. I love watching the shows where they make them.

  13. It's great to hear from you. We think the blog make over is perfect. That sure is a cool fountain picture.

  14. Hello my new friend. I like what you did with your blog. It's a good thing and having a guardian angel is too.

    Have a blessed day. Big hug. 🖤

  15. We're so happy to see this post!! We can't imagine $14 to wash sheets!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. What a marvelous post! And The Krispy Creme stand is glorious...but not as glorious as the fountain!
    Your Mind's Eye ROCKS!
    Love Barb

  17. So happy you are HERE!!!! I like the new look and name - and since you and Madi are both such fabulously creative writers, this blog ought to be a REAL TREAT!! I agree that $14 for sheet laundering is STEEP....there must be a story to that of some sort?! Love the capture of dripping water - that IS tough to do......and I have NEVER seen cuter marketing than that Krispy Kreme walkup stand in the mall - VERY CUTE - did the servers/counter people have donut shaped hats???? Tee Hee

    Love and Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  18. We have been away from blogville, so we are just hearing about Madi. We are so sorry. It's so hard to lose these furry members of our family. We are happy that you will continue blogging and we look forward to reading your posts.❤️Sue, Wyatt and Tegan

  19. C; that's very clever; the donut display...and for 14 dollars you could put your sheets IN the fountain and clean em up ☺☺☺......that fountain by the way is awesome; do they run it year round ?? ♥♥

  20. We are so happy you found a way to keep you and Angel Madi together on the blog. We are sure she will be a magnificent muse for you. We always enjoyed all your posts at the original My Mind's Eye and look forward to many more.

    Mom says you might be very surprised at the costs of using the laundromat, no longer a few quarters here and there:)

    Woos - Cap'n Lightning, First Mate Lass Misty, and Powder Monkey Timber

  21. I am glad you kept using this blog too just like everyone else. The fountain is beautiful and I know what you mean about photographing water. (still missing your beautiful diva)

  22. Such a wonderful look you created C! I love it...I also love Krispy Kreme, and miss them! They were all over in Austin...but you can't find them many places around here!

    Great job on the running fountain!!

  23. I dunno...sliding into freshly starched and ironed sheets would feel delightful! But I don't have the $$ for that nonsense, so I guess I'll put it on my 'to-do' list...

  24. Hello you dear friends, Mommy and Madi. So happy to see you and we are thinking of you with love.

  25. So glad you felt ready to come back !

  26. We’re glad you decided to keep blogging. We know Angel Madi will guide you along the way. And may someday she’ll send another kitty your as sweet as her. :)

  27. Hello. Thank you for your comment today and for looking for our blog. I'm sorry it was hard to find. Darn that Google Plus!!

    I was once at the dry cleaner's and saw a man come in with all his clothes, nothing special that would be dry clean only, and his sheets! I guess bachelors get their sheets dry cleaned? You're right that one can go to a laundromat and get many loads done for $14. That Krispy Kreme kiosk is very cute!

  28. Your new header with Angel Madi is beautiful. XO

  29. I am so happy that you will keep blogging. I know that Madi will watch over you (from that beautiful header). Your dripping water photo is fabulous. And you made me hungry with the bakery cakes!!!

  30. It is so brave of you to keep blogging. I have found that still writing in Foley's voice, five years after her passing, keep her alive in my heart and mind

  31. I think this is perfect. We love the beautiful cakes and such a cute donut shop and we love seeing a post from you
    Hazel, Mabel & Mom


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi