The very adorable and friendly Tabby greeted me on a recent EMW...
She had 4 white paws and the tip of the nose was white. What a most lush and long tail
*Early Morning Music Walk
As I crossed from my drive way,
to the side walk
The sun played peep eye
with me thru the trees
The temperature was a crisp
53 degrees with a gentle breeze
I said to myself, this is a
a purrfect morning to take my long route.
Along the way, I saw pups of all sizes walking their
I even saw a bony pup look up at me
like I was gonna be his sup(per)
After this frightful sight,
I was delighted to see Sage walking
her human ahead of me.
He must be chilly, he had on ear muffs.
All of a sudden he burst out in song.
He was not wearing ear muffs at all
he had on ear phones.
*He was singing a solo. But he had no idea
it was not SO LOW no one could hear.
Me, myself and I had a good giggle.
I saw happy faces smiling at me from fences.

On this last Friday in October I say...
Fences do good neighbors make, and always keep a song
in your head or at least your heart. MOST of all,
always sing like no one can hear you.
The end of another wonderful EMW that was full of surprises.