My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 25, 2024

Feline, Nature and Final Friday Feature

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


The very adorable and friendly Tabby greeted me on a recent EMW...
She had 4 white paws and the tip of the nose was white.  What a most lush and long tail

Click here to visit YAM's FFF

*Early Morning Music Walk

As I crossed from my drive way,
to the side walk
The sun played peep eye 
with me thru the trees

The temperature was a crisp
53 degrees with a gentle breeze
I said to myself, this is a
a purrfect morning to take my long route.
Along the way, I saw pups of all sizes walking their
I even saw a bony pup look up at me
like I was gonna be his sup(per)

After this frightful sight,
 I was delighted to see Sage walking
 her human ahead of me.
He must be chilly, he had on ear muffs.
All of a sudden he burst out in song.
He was not wearing ear muffs at all
he had on ear phones.
*He was singing a solo. But he had no idea
it was not SO LOW  no one could hear.  
Me, myself and I had a good giggle.

I saw happy faces smiling at me from fences.

On this last Friday in October I say... 
Fences do good neighbors make, and always keep a song 
in your head or at least your heart. MOST of all, 
always sing like no one can hear you.
The end of another wonderful EMW that was full of surprises.


  1. that is true... and without fences we had not so much cool decorations... you can not hang them in the air ;O)

  2. Hari Om
    Oh Miss C, this was a perfect post for FFF/NF day!!! YAM xx

  3. Sounds like a perfect EMW. It's not every day you get musical entertainment while out walking.

  4. An amazing walk that's for sure. I think maybe the Bony puppy was one that was starved to death and maybe you should have stopped to feed it. And the sweet kitty showing off at the end of October her Tocks. Never too late to show off is it.

  5. Great morning walk. Those headphone people drive us nuts as they have no idea what is going on around them. We are walking before sunrise, so we rarely see anyone. Mom likes that peacefulness.

  6. Lots of interesting things on your EMW. Lol... I sing so low too!

  7. Tabby is a cutie! Can't forget Logan's :)
    Great photos and thoughts summed up for this last Friday in October.
    Good Morning!

  8. A pretty tabby and lots of dogs to see. It is always nice to see the sun peeping out. It is now past midday and the temperature is up to 57 now. It was 48 at 7am, starting to get cooler.

  9. Dearest Cecilia,
    That was a lovely and crisp walk.
    Always special when being greeted by friendly kitties!
    Mariette + Kitties

  10. That's a very cute tabby and I love that white nose. That's too funny about the singer LOL!

  11. waves two ewe naybor kitteh oh madi’s mom cee and yeow….iz thata tee rex on de ground bye bow nee dawg 🦖🦖🦖🦖‼️😺🙀🐟💙

  12. Such an adorable kitty and beautiful nature this week. I am loving the cooler weather too, I bet it makes for a much more enjoyable EMW!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. Thank you for taking us on this lovely October walk my friend :) The kitty was adorable! Sending hugs!

  14. What a cute kitty and we love the spots on his furs! Love the happy faces and the cool Autumn temps!

  15. Beautiful cat and great poem. XO

  16. We love reading about your EMW and all the fun things you see and hear.

  17. You are lucky to have a friendly cat on your route/

  18. A most handsome tabby to meet on your walk! Beautiful time of the year for walkabouts too with leaves changing and cool breezes - and neighbors singing (!).

    Hugs, Pam

  19. love that Halloween fence photo. its beautiful and I would love to have heard the song. I just told Bob at breakfast that the neighborhood is dead. each day I have walked since 2 days after Milton I have seen no one, no dogs, cats, walkers, nothing.
    I hope the calico we see each morning survived the storm, she is so sweet and is an outside cat


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi